June 14, 2007



Don't let this sweet picture above fool you.  This is the notorious escaped convict Tommy Cat!  He has been under lock and key at the home of his very nice owners.  The reason:  Tommy Cat just can't stay out of trouble when he's out in the neighborhood.  This innocent, oh I'm so afraid of this little mouse look, is just one of Tommy Cat's many tricks.  Tommy Cat is not a bad cat, he just loves playing tricks.

Cat_chase_mouse_2 As soon as he gets a chance, he'll be chasing the little mouse who's Cat_chase_mouse_front_3 name is Smitty.  He has known Tommy Cat for many years and is not really afraid of him.  They really just play cat and mouse games together.  Smitty knows Tommy Cat just likes to have fun.  Many of the neighbors don't feel that way about him.       

Paperboy_2Tommy Cat had such a bad reputation of getting into trouble that    Man_new_paper_on_bench even the newspaper was warning people.  They suggested making sure all pets were kept safely inside with all doors and windows closed.  Mr. Thomas was reading all about it and decided he better hurry home to make sure his fish were safe.  He had already caught Tommy Cat looking very closely at them when he came home once before.

Cat_look_fish Mr.Thomas loves fish and has more than one, so he hurried Fishbowl  home to make sure they were ok. He was happy to see that they were safe and locked up the house to keep them that way.  If Tommy Cat came around, he wasn't having Tofu at Mr. Thomas' house.   

Mouse_peep_out_door_2   A short time ago Smitty was playing hide and seek with Tommy Mouse_cat_foot Cat.  Smitty lived in the Martin house in a small hole in one of their walls.  He was hiding in there while Tommy spent his time looking for him.  The Martin's are a nice family.  They have a boy seven named Billy and a girl four named Susan.  That night Smitty went to see a little friend of his to warn him that Tommy Cat was on the loose again.

Duffle_eat_cheese Tiny Bean is Smitty's little field mouse friend.  He Mouse_matchbox_2 was having some cheese for dinner and invited Smitty to have some with him.  Tiny Bean, being a field mouse, is a lot smaller than Smitty so he has a matchbox for a bed.  Smitty has always felt protective of Tiny Bean because he is so small.  He and Smitty have been friends for a long time.

Cat_scratch_post  Someone else who has a friend is Tommy Cat.  A Dog_hot_dog   neighborhood dog named Dozer, short for Bulldozer.  He's another wild and crazy guy just like Tommy Cat.  They make great friends.  Dozer lives with a nice lady named Ellen.  She works at a small store downtown.  She loves Dozer very much and makes sure he gets a long walk every day before she goes to work.

Dog_walk_gal Well truthfully, it is more like Dozer takes Ellen for a Dog_and_boy walk.  All the neighbors watch each morning to see Dozer walking Ellen.  It starts everyones day off with a smile.  Everything Dozer does he goes all out!  One morning while waiting for the school bus, Dozer got a hold of Billy Martin's school book and wouldn't let go.  To Dozer it was a big game but Billy wasn't to happy about it!

Dog_empty_cubboard Ellen's mother lives with her and Dozer.  One day when he got home Dog_food  Grandma told Dozer all the cupboards were bare, there was no food in the whole house.  Dozer thought this would never do!  Dozer was used to getting a big meal every night and he was getting very hungry.  He thought about his best friend Tommy Cat.  Now there was a guy who never went without food!

Cat_food    Tommy Cats favorite food is tuna.  He would gobble it right Cat_clean  down, then sit and happily clean himself.  Cats after all, are one of the cleanest animals on earth.  When Tommy Cat heard his friend was out of food, he knew he had to do something about it.  He had a favorite baker down on the corner of Main and 2nd. Street he decided to visit.  When he told him about poor Dozer, his friend the baker helped him out with a big chocolate covered donut.

Dog_donut Dozer said to everyone he saw, "look at this, my best Dog_bath  friend Tommy Cat got this for me".  Dozer realized he'd never had a better friend!  Dozer ate that donut so fast he ended up with chocolate all over him, so he took a warm bubble bath to clean up.  He even had his special rubber duckie in the bath with him.  Ellen really had Dozer spoiled!  You know what?  He loved it too!

Dog_swing Ellen even took Dozer to the park every week just so he Dog_man_freezbie_4  could swing on the swing set.  Ellen loved him like he was a child.  If your going to have a pet, that's the way it should be.  They become part of your family.  Actually, everyone in town liked Dozer.  Ralph, a local friend of Dozer's, always threw a Frisbee for him at the park. 

Cat_on_fan Meanwhile, Tommy Cat was having more  Cat_prowl  fun getting into trouble.  He decided to prowl around and see if he could find Smitty.  You see, in Tommy Cats mind, Smitty was like a wonderful toy.  He really didn't want to hurt Smitty, just play with him.  Tommy Cat knew the rat brothers Jeb and Roscoe were planning a race today down by the park.  Tommy Cat figured that's were he'd find Smitty and with any luck little Tiny Bean would be with him.  Oh, how much fun could one cat have!

Rat_trunks Yep, here came Roscoe all dressed in running shorts ready to Dog_chase_cat race.  Tommy Cat and Dozer decided they better run to the park so they wouldn't miss the race.  They didn't want to miss anything because they knew all the animals in town would probably be there.  Of course the attorney, Mr. Sniff from the firm of "Sniff and Sue" showed up, briefcase and all, in case anyone was injured.

Rat_briefcase_2 He's always around when anything special is going on, looking Dog_balloon for new clients.  Dozer bought himself a balloon at the park.  It was a real carnival going on there.  Someone had a ring the bell machine set up and Smitty decided to give it a try.  When he was hitting it, he kept imagining it was Tommy Cat's head he was hitting and he did very well.

Mouse_hammer_scale Smitty was getting in a lot of practice in case he ever got Mouse_hammer_cat the chance to do this to Tommy Cat.  He had dreamed of it many nights.  Deep down inside he really liked Tommy Cat.  He just didn't want to let him or anyone else know it.  He remembered the time Tommy Cat caught him and had him in his mouth.  Tommy Cat ended up letting him go.  Smitty kind of thought he liked him too.

Cat_mouse_in_mouth It seemed they both just didn't want anyone else to know how Mouse_sheee they felt.  So let's keep it our little secret, ok?  Well the race was getting ready to go.  Jeb and Roscoe were on the starting line looking hard at each other.  They really both wanted to win this because the winner got a big block of cheese.

Duffle_gum  Tiny Bean arrived and was already having trouble. 2_rats_ready_race  Seems he had stepped in gum some not very nice person had thrown on the ground.  Gum should always be thrown in the trash.  Tiny Bean knew Smitty would help him get it off.  After all that's what good friends do, help each other. The race master blew the whistle and off went Roscoe and Jeb!

2_rats_race They weren't the fastest guys but everyone was loving it. Cat_jump  They were so well matched (after all they are brothers) that it was a really close race.  Tommy Cat was so excited he was yelling for Roscoe to hurry.  He had bet a friend two whole cans of Tuna that Roscoe would win.  Sadly for Tommy Cat, Jeb pulled ahead right at the end and won the race.  He was jumping up and down so excited with his big block of cheese.


Mouse_run Jeb knew he would share his winnings with his brother Roscoe  Duffle_pat_foot_7    but he sure wasn't going to tell him right now.  Tiny Bean was happy again.  Smitty rushed over to help get the gum off and now his foot was working fine again.  Suddenly, Tommy Cat looked over and saw Dozer.  He had a very strange look on his face and was staring at something on the other side of the crowd.

Dog_heart_eyes Tommy Cat looked over and saw the prettiest female dog he had  Dog_pretty  ever seen.  He thought it must be the new dog Mr. Martin had just gotten and named Priscilla.  She sure was pretty and the way Dozer was looking at her, Tommy Cat knew he was going to be prowling around on his own for awhile. Ah, that's ok.  Tommy Cat figured there was plenty of trouble he could get into out there all by himself.

Mouse_poke_cat_2   He knew Dozer would be back sooner or later    Lady_iron to join the fun.  If this darn little Smitty didn't quit poking him in the nose with his tiny little sword, the fun was about to start now!  For tonight though he went by to see Ellen to tell her Dozer probably wouldn't be home for awhile.  Ellen was ironing, but stopped to give Tommy Cat a can of food.  She was one of those really nice people who always seemed to have an extra can when someone hungry came by.  Tomorrow was another day and Tommy Cat was sure he could make it a fun one.  After all, Tommy Cat could find fun and a little trouble wherever he went!



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