September 16, 2007



Bun_on_bike Honey Bunny's day was starting out to be bright and Bun_race_bus_2    sunny as she went off to school on her bike.  One of the school buses went by and she had a little fun riding faster to see if she could keep up.  Of course the bus won that race.  Honey Bunny lived just a couple of blocks from school so she was able to walk or ride her bike to school.

SchoolWhen Honey got to school the bus was already Wes_chart there.  She wasn't surprised, Honey knew she would never beat that bus.  The teacher had put one of Honey's good friends in charge of taking roll call, to make sure everyone was in class that day.  Wally Weasel was really taking his job very seriously.  He was standing by the door with a clip board marking off each one as they went into class.  He made sure not to miss anyone!

Class Their teacher Miss Hopper was giving a geography lesson Cat_at_desk  that morning.  Every time she asked a question Cindy the cat was the first to raise her hand.  Cindy was known as the class brain, she always seemed to be the first with the answers.  The whole class were all very smart kids, it was just that Cindy usually was a little quicker to get her hand in the air. 

Cat_dog_desk  Now Harvey, the hound dog, would occasionally cheat a little Dog_raise_hand_4 and peek over Cindy's shoulder to see her answers.  He would then quickly raise his hand and beat Cindy.  He wasn't trying to be bad and cheat, he really was just having a little fun.  Harvey was always playing jokes.  He was liked by everyone.  Harvey even taught Honey Bunny a magic trick for the class play.  It was the "man in a hat" trick.         

Bun_magic_hat As you probably know it's usually the "bunny in a hat" trick. Wesel_hoola_hoop All the kids and teachers loved it!  Honey was the star of the show with that trick!  Wally showed everyone how good he was with a hoola-hoop.  Being as thin as he is, Wally was really good!  Everyone had a great time at the play.  After lunch was recess time, so they all went out to the play ground.  The swings were every ones favorite.

2_an_on_swing Who could go the highest was always the most fun!  Well, Wes_hide_tree  wouldn't you know it, class clown Wally got himself into a little trouble at recess.  When it was time to go back in for afternoon classes, he hid behind a tree and the teachers couldn't find him.  Everyone got very upset and finally he came out smiling but the smile didn't last long.  Wally thought he was just having fun but his teacher didn't feel that way. 

Wes_wait_prin He could have been hurt or lots of other bad things   Wes_w_principal could have happened.  Wally's little game got him a visit to the principals office.  He had to sit and wait for awhile to see Mr. Gruff and he sure was sorry he had done what he did.  He told Mr. Gruff that and promised he would never do it again.  Mr. Gruff let him off pretty easy by just making him write a paper on safety that night as punishment.  Wally made sure to have it ready first thing the next morning to hand Mr. Gruff.

Bull_dog_lecture Mr. Gruff gave him a pretty good lecture about safety and how   Dog_in_car upset some of his teachers were.  After that Wally thought maybe he better think about the difference between a joke and something that might upset someone.  That is not always easy to figure out, even for grown ups.  Most of the kids didn't realize that Mr. Gruff had a real soft side.  They'd see him driving in each morning in his cute little car and walk carefully past him on to class.  No one wanted to get on his bad side.  He had a lot of respect from the children, mostly because he was tough but always fair with all of them.

Cat_back_pack When Cindy headed for home that day she was pretty Bun_pet_chicken  excited.  The next day was her birthday and after school her mother had invited all her classmates to a party.  Honey Bunny had already gotten home because she had a bike.  Cindy passed Honey's house because she lived only two houses past her.  She stopped to say hi to Honey and her pet Rooster, Cockle ( who Cindy thought was very spoiled) Honey petted him and treated him just like a baby.  Oh well, Cindy thought he was a very sweet Rooster.  That is until day break everyday, when he would let out a loud "cock-a-doodle-doo" and wake everyone within a mile.

Bun_farmer After Honey said goodbye to Cindy, she went out to Bun_love_carrot_2 hoe her carrot garden.  They all lived in a rural area and everyone had a few animals and small gardens.  Honey and her family were just like all bunny rabbits, THEY LOVED CARROTS!  Honey's garden was doing very well this year.  It looked like they were going to have a great crop of carrots.

Mom_bun_baby Next morning Honey Bunny's mom walked along with Wes_watermelon_2 her to school.  Mom brought along Honey's baby twin sisters in a carriage.  Alone the way they met Wally coming with a wagon loaded with a watermelon for the party after school.   He had his book bag too, probably with his homework for Principal Gruff.  He had worked hard on it and hoped Mr. Gruff would understand that he had learned a good lesson.

Stinky_class That day in class, one of their classmate, poor Skunk_swing     Petunia the skunk had a bad day.  Her odor problem showed up and she ended up swinging alone at recess that day.  All the kids felt bad for Petunia because they all liked her very much.  It was just something she couldn't help.  With the party at Cindy's right after school, everyone hoped she could take care of the problem and be there.

Skunk_w_perfume Petunia got an idea and sprayed herself perfume so she   Cat_w_gifts_cupcake could go to Cindy's party.  Everyone was so glad to see her.  Cindy's mom made cupcakes for everyone and passed out party hats.  They played party games and had lots of fun.  Everyone brought presents and gave them to Cindy one at a time.

Cat_with_party_hat One of Cindy's favorite party things were the party Wes_w_car_3 blowers.  Wally gave Cindy a pretty blue car.  He sure was very proud of his gift.  She had so many nice friends and received a lot of presents.  When Honey Bunny handed Cindy her present she was surrounded by beautifully wrapped present just waiting for Cindy to open.

Bun_gifts_s Inside Honey's pretty pink wrapped box was a cute stuffed Bun_w_daisy bunny rabbit that Cindy said she would sleep with every night.  Honey also gave Cindy's mom a thank you for the party present.  A pretty daisy she had grown herself in her garden.  Everyone thought the gift Petunia gave Cindy was one of the sweetest of all.

Small_skunk_rose The beautiful red rose Petunia handed Cindy seemed just Wes_cola  perfect!  It was her way of saying thanks for being my friend even though I'm different from the rest of you.  Everyone loved Wally's watermelon and he took the funniest guy at the party prize as usual.  He really wasn't trying to but when he tried to get a drink of cola out of a can, it was to tall for him and he had everyone rolling with laughter watching him try to get to that straw.

Bun_3_hopIt was a great party!  Wally walked Honey Bunny Wes_nice  home.  She played with her baby sisters and told them all about the party.  They were all jumping around having fun together while Wally watched.  He was glad Honey bunny was his best friend.  He felt like a very lucky weasel and when he start out for his own house, he left with a large smile on his face!



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