October 29, 2007


Kids_bob_l  Large_ghost_2

Jenny, Eric and David were bobbing for apples at a Halloween party their friend Linda was giving.  About the time David almost grabbed one of those apples, they looked up to see a terrific looking ghost.  Eric said, "wow, look at that, isn't that a terrific costume!"  Jenny said, "it sure is, I wonder who it is."  David was still bobbing and getting pretty wet in the mean time.

Treater_w_pumpThere were so many wonderful costumes and decorations. Mummy_color  It was going to be a great night.  One fellow was dressed up as a mummy and had his costume fixed to change colors.  It was really cool.  Everyone was really enjoying themselves and liked looking at all the different outfits.

Dog_look_in_pump Jenny had a sweet little dog named Mikey who wanted to go Dog_hold_pump with Jenny.  He had his own little pumpkin to carry and when he looked inside it was pretty empty.  He picked it up and off he went to get as much candy as his pumpkin would hold.  He was so cute it wasn't long before all the neighbors had his pumpkin completely filled to the top.

Bee_costume Along came Steve in his bee costume, he was taking a Bee_w_punpins good look at that terrific ghost costume also.  It was pretty big so maybe it was one of Linda's parents.  Steve had spent his day at the pumpkin patch, buying just the right pumpkin for his jack-o'-lantern.  He picked out a real nice one and with his fathers help, had carved it and inserted a candle.  It was proudly shinning on Steve's door step right now.

Jack_o_lantern All the kids that came to Trick_or_treaters_2 Steve's door agreed it was a terrific jack-o'-lantern.  One of the happiest faces they had seen!  Suddenly they saw a man in a window of a house they walked by.  He had a white mask and a large knife.  He was a scary looking dude. He looked very real and the kids all took off running to get past that house.  They didn't stop for any candy there!

Jasson_window The house he was in was always whispered about by all the children. House_w_flash_light  A lot of them thought it was a haunted house!  Even when it wasn't Halloween, the kids would cross the street when they had to pass by it.  As they neared the house they saw so many strange people in weird costumes.  Three little guys came out the door looking like nothing but heads.  No legs could be seen!

       Mummy_no_legThere was one dressed as a mummy, one Frank_head_trick_3 as a Frankenstein and another as a vampire.  It was really very strange how short they were.  The kids just couldn't figure out how they did that with no legs showing!  Jenny said maybe they were pets who had been trained to jump that way.  Eric and David looked at each other and shook their heads.  They didn't think that was very likely.

Vamp_no_leg_2 Jenny said,"well whatever they are, they sure are cute." Mummy_eat_candy  They passed by the mummy gobbling down candy by the handfuls.  He sure knew what to do with candy!  There had been more than one surprise that night.  The only problem was, the kids didn't know it but there were a lot more surprises to come!  The night of creepy crawlers had just begun!

Bee_chocolate_2 Harry, another friend had found a house that was giving out Two_treaters  the big full size candy bars.  When he told the other kids, they couldn't get to that house fast enough!  Eric and David took off running.  They sure didn't want that neighbor to run out of candy before they got there.  Suddenly they realized they were nearing the haunted house.  The street lights started to dim and really strange costumed character seemed to be everywhere!


Surfin_wiitch David and Eric looked up in the sky and couldn't believe their eyes!  They Mummy_on_fire thought for sure they saw a witch surf by on a broom stick!  Then they pasted a zombie like man who appeared to be on fire.  Eric decided it was some kind of trick.  It sure was a good one because it looked very real!  As they passed the haunted house they got a fright when a monster reach out the basement window and tried to grab them.

Monster_window WOW! did he ever scare the boys!  They Skel_on_head  took off fast in the other direction.  As they left, they saw a skeleton sitting on his own head on the front porch of the house.  This was one strange place!  Now all the street lights had gone out and a very real looking Wizard came walking down the street.  He told everyone to head for home so he could get rid of the bad spirits who had arrived in the neighborhood that night.

Wizard_walk_3 The wizard told them that once every hundred years was a night of Haunted_bookshelf_4  witchery when all the monsters, zombies and witch's came to life.  This just happened to be the night!  He and only he could stop them!  He had studied the only two wizard books left in the world to learn the special spells to stop the creatures.

Mummy_w_lady_2 As the boys listened to the wizard, they saw a mummy  Vampire_hold_lady  carrying off a lady on one side of the street and a vampire with a lady on the other side.  They sure hoped the wizard would hurry and take care of these monsters so everyone would be safe!  Eric and David started for home and about that time saw Jenny.  They told her what was going on and she turned back for home too.

Eye_ballSuddenly just floating through the air was an eye ball.  Yes, you   Skull_eye_2   heard right, an eye ball!  Then a skull went by with one of it's eyes almost falling out.  It seemed to be a bad night for eyes!  The wizard had to face one very smart enemy the She Devil.  The She Devil was  a strong enemy of the wizard.  If she won this battle she could take over the world.  If the wizard won, the world would be safe for everyone again.

She_devil_fork_l_2 The She Devil didn't have She_devil_wipe to fight her own battles.  She had lots of help. She had others who thought of her as a goddess and would do anything for her.  She also was mean and didn't mind giving them a beating if they didn't do as she said!  Her most faithful of all creatures was an ugly troll.  He would do anything for the she devil and was prepared to fight the wizard to the death if he had to.

Troll_eat_turkey_2 The troll was very faithful to the She Wizard_hat_wand Devil because she kept him well fed on turkey, which he loved.  The silly wizard wasn't going to beat him!  He was eating on a big turkey leg to build up strength to fight the wizard.  He knew the wizard had some powerful spells he could use against him.  He hoped that someone else would have to face the wizard instead of him.

Skull_flame When the flaming skull suddenly appeared everyone knew the She Devil   She_devil_fire was not far behind.  The skull always appeared just before she made her arrival.  There she was, fire burning from her hand.  Looking for the wizard.  If she could beat him tonight the world would be hers and never the same for all the kind people in it.

Wizard_fight_minotaur_l The troll got his wish. The She Devil had Wiz_dust_s  sent her pet Minotaur to fight the wizard.  The Minotaur was a lot bigger than the wizard but size wasn't what really mattered but the difference between good and evil.  The wizard had good on his side.  He spread his special wizard dust all over the Minotaur and he fell dead.

Girl_go_to_school_2 The next morning as Jenny headed off to school, she thought what a Sun_rise_3  beautiful day it was.  The sun was up as pretty as ever and for another hundred years the world would be safe from the She Devil and her fiendish friends.  Jenny thought when she got home that day, her and Mikey would have some of that Halloween candy.  Since dogs can't eat chocolate, Jenny thought she would just have to eat all of that.  Didn't seem like to bad a deal to Jenny!



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