We all have people we look up to, teachers, parents and friends. People we respect and trust the advice they give us. Since I am a person who believes in Fairy tales, if only in my imagination, I think we also have many wise Fairy tale characters as well. Like Omar the King of the Genies. Omar is by far the wisest of all genies. After all he is the oldest genie on earth, which means he has lived for thousands of years. Anyone who has lived that long has learned a lot! Omar guides and teaches them all the proper rules of being a genie. There are many things necessary to learn before a young genie can grant wishes and Omar is the one who trains them all.
Omar and all his genies live in the Enchanted Kingdom. They try to keep all of the people and creatures who live there safe from harm. Even in the Enchanted Kingdom, things don't always go as Omar would hope. He has to be on guard at all times to watch over everyone. Sometimes, like on this day, things can still go very wrong...
Sudanny was the youngest of all the genies and has a lot
to learn. He was so excited to grant his first wishes. Omar was trying to keep a close watch on him to prevent any major mistakes. The art of granting wishes took a lot of education and was not as simple as it might seem. There were rules to follow and Omar needed to help Sudanny learn them.
In the kingdom where the genies lived, were two beautiful
princesses. The youngest, Sabrina, had fallen in love with a prince from a neighboring kingdom named Prince Henry. Sabrina's older sister, Princess Lalana, was engaged to a Knight on the King's Guard. Two of the princesses favorite pets were their dragons, Ruby and Ernie.
Ruby was a cute little red dragon and Ernie was a green
dragon. They liked to cause each other problems when they could. They were like brother and sister always picking on each other. Underneath it all (though they would never admit it) they both really liked each other. Like all of us, there are some things dragons just naturally do, and can't stop even if they want to.
Like breathing fire. It's just something they can't control.
Making good things out of bad though, Ruby has found a good use for her fire breathing skills. She can Bar-B-Que the best hot dogs in town! Ruby is very fond of Patrick, Princess Lalana's Knight in shining armor! Ruby has known Patrick since she was just a little dragon and Patrick has always been kind to her. They have shared more than one hot dog together.
Omar was worried, he had been watching things coming in the
future in his crystal ball. He could see that Sudanny was about to have some trouble. Omar's crystal ball was a wonderful thing to have. He could see the future for days and sometimes years to come in it. He also had a very special helper above. Her name was Angela and she was an angel who helped watch over everyone below and tell Omar when she saw trouble coming.
Angela would send down letters to Omar, delivered by
one of her favorite birds. Angela and Omar saw a bad man who had just stolen Sudanny's lamp. He wanted to get Sudanny to grant him three wishes. Damal was the robbers name and he didn't know one very important thing! Anyone can rub a lamp and bring out a genie, but not everyone will have their three wishes come true. There are three special rules that must be met first.
Sudanny came out of the lamp for Damal but right away
he knew this man wasn't going to get his wishes granted. The one rule Sudanny already had been taught by Omar was the person who gets his wishes granted must be a good, honest person. Sudanny knew Damal had stolen him from the Princess Lalana, so that meant he wasn't a good person. Damal was so mad he put Sudanny in a cage in the basement of his friend Medusa's house and locked the door. The first secret of the three wishes was to be a good person.
When Princess Lalana heard that Sudanny had been stolen
she almost fainted. Patrick carried her to her room and told her he would go out and find Sudanny. Patrick asked Ernie if he would fly him around the kingdom because Ruby wasn't there that day. Ernie said sure he would, he liked Sudanny too and didn't want anything to happen to him. Princess Lalana waved goodbye to them as they flew away.
Like everywhere in the world, most of the people and
creatures in the kingdom were very good. Patrick knew he and Ernie had to be careful because the magic of the safe castle no longer protected them and a few bad creatures also were in the kingdom. One, had her eyes on the sky right now watching Ernie and Patrick fly in. It was Medusa, a creature that looked a lot like a snake and a lady, except instead of hair she had snakes on her head.
Medusa went to her mirror to look as good as she could. She thought
she was beautiful but everyone else said that she was so ugly that if you looked at her you would turn to stone. She had always wanted a statue of a Knight in shining armor so now was her chance. When Ruby got back to the castle and heard what was going on, she flew right off to help Patrick and Ernie.
Medusa had a great helper, a huge Minotaur, who was like a bull
with a mans body. Medusa felt sure he could deliver Patrick to her. When Ruby landed in the town a friend told him that Sudanny was at Medusa's. Ruby told Patrick and right away he wanted to go and get Sudanny. Ruby tried to stop him by holding his feet but Patrick got away from him and off he went to Medusa's.
Suddenly a strange feeling came over Sudanny, his heart was full of love
and caring for everyone. Then he realized it was the second lesson of the three wishes. Omar was using the lightning bolts between his fingers to send Sudanny the second message. Sudanny understood right away. The person who's wishes are granted must have love in his or her heart and have done some kind things for others. The second secret of the three wishes was love!
As Angela watched from above she got worried when she saw
Princess Sabrina and Prince Henry head for town. They had also decided to help try to find Sudanny. Angela knew Medusa would love to get her hands on a Prince and Princess. Sure enough the next thing she saw was Minotaur carrying off Princess Sabrina! Medusa and Minotaur started fighting over who would get Knight Patrick.
During the fight with Patrick, Prince Henry showed up and he forgot
the warnings about Medusa and looked her in the face. Poor Prince Henry immediately started turning to stone. Medusa was so pleased, she was finally going to have her statue of a Prince. Slowly he could feel himself turning to stone. What could Ruby and Ernie do. They decided they had to find Sudanny and see if he could grant them three wishes. It was their only hope!
As Prince Henry turned completely to stone Medusa
polished him. Ruby and Ernie slipped down to the basement and found Sudanny. Ruby told him to get back in the lamp where he would be safe. Next Ruby blew fire on the lock until it melted and Sudanny was free of the cage. He was so happy to be free. He promised both Ruby and Ernie three wishes when he got back to the castle and Omar gave him the last secret rule.
Before Sudanny would go back to the castle he had a
score to settle with Damal. He found him and picked him up and shook him around for awhile until he agreed never to steal anything again and to be a better person. Since he had heard about Omar and Angela he knew he would have to behave because they are always watching.
This time Princess Lalana was going to take care of Patrick.
She was so happy to have him home. Ernie and Ruby flew back to the castle and felt right at home again. They were kind of excited about getting their three wishes. Surprisingly, they talked about it and both seemed to want the same thing. They hoped Sudanny had learned the third secret to granting wishes!
Without any help from Omar, Sudanny had learned
the third secret to getting three wishes. It was to be the kind of person who will do things for others even if it could be dangerous for them. The third secret was to care about another more than yourself. Ernie liked that thought a lot and blew Sudanny some smoke hearts. Sudanny granted Ruby and Ernie's three wishes and Omar approved them.
As Ernie typed up the three wishes for both himself and Ruby,
he kept thinking he could hear a bell ringing far away. The list was short, both he and Ruby asked for a wedding for Princess Lalana and Sabrina and happiness forever. They asked for the kingdom to be rid of Medusa and her friends. Next they did ask for a little something for themselves, a chest full of gold which Ernie promised to guard. Ruby and Ernie were kind and gentle dragons but they sure weren't dumb!
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