February 11, 2007

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

We live in North Carolina and haven't had any snow so far. A lot of you probably have had some by now. So how about doing a story about snow? Do you think that would be fun? OK, lets do it! The first thing we need to do is get some snow. Then you send Daddy outside to shovel it. You can help too, I'm sure Daddy would like all the help he can get.

Looks like some of your neighbor friends are building themselves a snowman. When you get done eating some of that fresh snow, you might want to make one too. The first thing to do is roll up a large ball of snow for the bottom. Then two smaller balls for the tummy and head. Now give your snowman a cute face and you

have it! Your very own snowman! How about Chilly Willy for his name? If we make two snow people, Chilly Willy could have a Mrs. Willy. Now that would make him happy! He'd be jumping all over the place! Chilly Willy would be so happy he'd make Mrs. Willy a snow
angel, to show her how happy he is that she is there! If we had snow right now, our snowmen and ladies could take a sunbath. That probably wouldn't be a good idea though. They may find that the sun would start to melt

them and little drops of water would start to fall! For snow people to be happy it must stay pretty cold. January is usually a month most states can expect cold weather for very happy snowmen. Of course many of us regular people get the shivers. Someone better tell this Daddy to get more clothes on! After all, with that snowman behind him, it's a good bet he doesn't live in Florida!

From all of us here at "Giraffe in a Turtleneck", especially my sweet angel Elizabeth, we wish you all the snow you dream for!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the Blog site you have set up! Very neat!

Sarah A.