March 9, 2007



In a small town near by lives a man named Mr. Jones.  It's a really nice town but Mr. Jones has decided he'd really like to be a farmer.  You see, he was raised on a farm and really misses all the animals and wide open spaces living on a farm provides.                                                    

House_for_sale     So Mr. Jones put a for sale sign in his front        Cows_in_truck_on_road_3  yard, bought a pickup truck, two cows and off he went down the road to look for land to buy for his farm.   

Barn_2   Suddenly there it was, beautiful fields for crops, aTent_man_looking_out  wonderful lake for fishing and even a pretty windmill spinning in the field.  Luckily it was for sale and Mr. Jones purchased it right away.   There was a big barn on the property but no house, so Mr. Jones put up a nice tent to live in until his new home could be built.   

Farmer_pitch_fork Mr. Jones also realized, this was a lot of fields to Farmer_on_g_tracker_2  plant.  He knew he could never do all the work himself and was going to have to hire some help.  So Mr. Jones hired himself some farm workers.  First he hired George, he was and expert on a tractor and really helped Mr. Jones get his fields ready to plant corn and other vegetables. 

Farmer_w_crow Next he hired Fred.  Now Fred was a little slow to get started Farmer_on_y_tractor working.  Sometimes he'd stand around so long doing nothing that the crows would start to land on him.  Once he got started though, Fred was a pretty good worker.  Fred got on the other tractor and started helping George plow the fields to plant corn. So now that he had some good helpers, it was time to get more animals for the farm and start building his new home.

Horse_and_colt He got a beautiful mare and colt.  He named her GraceHouse_under_construction_8  and the baby Sterling because of her lovely silver color.  The construction man was starting to build Mr. Jone's house.  The house was going up very well and Mr. Jones was very pleased.  Meanwhile, it was spring and all the animals around the farm were thinking about having babies.   

Sheep_w_lamb_3 The sheep is teaching her lamb to eat grass. Lamb_3     Very soon it will be able to stand on it's own and walk and graze along side it's mother.  There may be plenty of wool to make a nice sweater for Mr. Jones this winter.  It doesn't hurt the sheep at all.  They just get a hair cut and people weave their wool into sweaters.

Roosters_fighting_4 The roosters are arguing over who will be the daddy ofChich_family  the chicks.  Even though there will be plenty of baby chicks for each daddy.  Even a couple of cute snails are talking about starting a family too.  All the animals are very proud of their new born babies.   They sure are cute and Mr. Jones has a good start on building a nice farm life. 

Farmer_in_cornGeorge and Fred have corn growing in the fields.  TheFarmer_milking_2  cows are putting out milk and there are plenty of new chicks to grow up and lay eggs for farmer Jones and his workers breakfasts.  George has a son named Ted and they put up a scarecrow in the corn field so the crows won't eat all the corn.  The crows don't look very afraid of the scarecrow, do

Scarecrow they?  Poor Fred isn't having much luck with his carrot Bunny_carrot_patch_2 patch either.  The bunny rabbits are getting as many carrots as Fred is.  He thinks there will probably be enough to share with the rabbits and all the folks on the farm.  Fred is sure trying hard to get his share before the bunnies do!  Look who we have here, it's our two little snails, Speedy and Slowmoe who were thinking of having a baby too.  Looks like they are pretty happy and it looks like they have good reason to be. 

Farmer_pull_carrot_2A new baby snail for them!  Isn't she cute?  They named her Two_snails_2 Tootles and she is still a little slow ( as if her mommy and daddy are not ha! ha! )  So she rides on her their backs when they go somewhere.  They get there much faster that way!

Snail_w_baby Molly Moo cow has a cute baby named Betsy.  A pair of Cow_and_calf_2    deer are hugging.  They are teaching their baby boy Danny how to cross the road.  Danny is looking both ways before crossing just the way we all should!  With all the spring cuddling going on,

Mom_and_baby_deer_2 Mr. Jones is feeling a little lonely.  He has a beautiful neighborDeer_crossing_2  named Rebbecca who rides over to say hi sometimes on her horse.  Mr. Jones has been thinking of asking her to dinner some night.  Rebbecca is very nice and everyone on the farm really like her.

Lady_on_horse Especially , Mr. Jones!  It's such a nice day, Mr. Man_and_boy_fishing_4      Jones takes George's son Ted fishing in the big lake on his land.  Ted and Mr. Jones had a great day fishing and caught enough fish for a big dinner for everyone on the farm.  Fred was proud there were even some carrots to serve with the fish!

Mom_duck_babiesThe lake has ducks of all kinds and even turtles who haveMom_baby_turtle_2  had little ones this spring.  The toad frog keep everyone on the farm up some nights.  No matter how late the toad keeps them up.  Mr. Rooster wakes everyone at day light each morning.

Frog Between the nightly noise of Mr. Frog and the Rooster_3  rooster, sometimes the folks on the farm don't always get a lot of sleep.  Ted has heard that Mr. Jones is planning to ask Rebbecca to marry him.  Ted is a great carpenter and has started

Boy_scout_build_birdhouse making a special wedding gift for Mr. Jones and Rebbecca.  With the help of a   Cardinal_house special friend of Ted's, Buster the Beaver.  Buster chewed on this tree for many hours to get the wood for Ted to make the beautiful bird house.  After all that chewing

Beaver_sleepy poor Buster was so tired he was taking a nap Pig_in_mud_5 right there on the tree stump.  Now lazy piglet is laying in the mud just enjoying watching everyone else work.  This is finally the day Mr. Jones has decided to ask Rebbecca to marry him.

Farmer_by_cow_2 Just making the decision has made him a very happy man.  He Church loves Rebbecca very much and knows they will be happy together.  Rebbecca says yes and they get married at the near by church.  Rebbecca is so pretty in her wedding gown, Mr. Jones picks her up

Groom_hold_bride to carry her into their new home.  Looks like a happy endingMan_w_new_house  and a wonderful new life for everyone.  Bet there will be a baby in that new house soon.  One things for sure, they have a beautiful new home, wonderful folks to help on the farm and some happy animals all around them.  They should definitely live as they say:  "HAPPY EVER AFTER!"




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