March 23, 2007


M_welcome_l_2 Shy_baby_l_4

M_dine_on_cheese_2 One day not long ago two unlikely friends were havig a talk over P_ele_peanut_4  dinner. The reason I say unlikely friends is because one is a mouse named Renny and the other a baby elephant named Buffy Sue. You see, even though elephants grow up to be one of the largest animals in the world. It is said they are very afraid of mice! Seems funny doesn't it.

G_ele_mouse_2 Maybe it's because they are so big and mice are so   Circus_master_2  small and fast, the elephants can't see where they are going,like the gray elephant on the stool. Unusual as it is, our Renny and Buffy Sue are very special friends. Renny is having his favorite dinner, cheese and Buffy Sue loves peanuts. Sadly, a few weeks ago Buffy Sue's mommy Bama was taken away from her to join the circus. Bama didn't want to go and leave her baby Buffy Sue but she had no choice. She cried and cried but the farmer who owned her sold her anyway.

Circus_tent_2 He isn't a mean man, he just needed money to feed his Tree_looking_2 three children. So off went Bama to the circus leaving baby Buffy Sue behind. The circus knew Buffy Sue was to young to learn the tricks they needed to entertain the people who come to see the circus. So all the farm animals started looking out for her. The trees, giraffes even the ostrich pulled her head out of the sand and put on her glasses to keep an eye out. Lucky for Buffy Sue, she is a sweet shy little girl that all the other animals love very much!

Ostrich_in_sand_2 Unfortunately they couldn't do much about her missing her  Ostrick_glasses_2  mother. All the animals did their best to cheer her up but nothing seemed to work. So the best they could do was keep watching so no trouble came along to hurt Buffy Sue. Shiloh the horse was on watch everyday. Red the fox kept a constant lookout. Even piglet, who was usually a little on the lazy sleepy side, stayed awake to look out for Buffy Sue.

Cow_bull_horn_2 One day Winnie the cow got out her bull horn and Horse_stall_4 announced barnyard meeting that all the animals attended. It was decided Buffy Sue was just so sad and had not been eating well, someone had to help her find her mother. Renny the farm mouse was the obvious choice. He was small and fast and very brave. Renny and Buffy Sue started off the very next morning to find mommy Bama. As Buffy Sue and Renny began their trip, they had no idea of the adventure they were about to face.

Sheep_on_fence A lot of the farm animals wanted to go with them but Sheep_hair_cut needed to stay behind to care for the farmer and his family. Fluffy the baby sheep even tried to jump the fence to go with them.  She didn't quite make it and got stuck on the fence. One of the farm workers rushed over and got her down. After she had her wool trimmed at the "Shear Delight Sheep Salon", she got ready for bed.

Lamb_pray First though, Fluffy said a special prayers for her friends  Family_picnin  Buffy Sue and Renny, hoping they would be safe on their long adventure out in the big world. The day they started their journey was bright and sunny. The farmer and his family didn't see them leaving because they had decided to have a picnic lunch together. There were sure plenty of others watching them go though.

Blood_hound_track  Even Tizzy the weasel was peaking from behind a tree. Weasel_by_tree The bloodhound Dusty helped get them on the right path by smelling out the way Bama had left the farm. They were definitely on their way. The family finished their picnic, so the farmer decided he'd better get back to work. He had to take his tractor into town to the repair shop. There was something wrong with it. It had not been running right lately.

Tracker_on_truck UH! OH! the farmers wife forgot to take the picnic basket Bear_eat_picnic back to the house and Mr. Black bear has found it and is having some left overs! Was it ever good too! Mr. Black bear thinks he'll probably be coming back to this house! The first friend they came upon was Hobo mouse. He was and old friend of Renny's.

M_hobo He rode around in boxcars on the trains that went by the farm and M_empty_pockets always stopped by to say hi to Renny when he was in the area. Usually to see if Renny had money he could borrow. Renny had to tell Hobo he was sorry but he was broke too. Renny told his friend he was sorry but he had to get on his way to help Buffy Sue. Hobo wished them luck and said he'd see Renny next time he came by the farm.

M_cat_sword_fight Renny only hoped he could keep Buffy safe when they Eagle  reached the circus. He had practiced his sword fighting with his friend Tabby cat back on the farm. He felt pretty sure they would be ok. Finally with the eagle from the farm flying over their heads, he had followed them all the way to watch out for them, Renny and Buffy Sue reached the circus.  The show was just getting started.  The Ringmaster was announcing the first act, a pretty lady on a

Master_g_ele  horse doing tricks. There was a cute little seal clapping Horse_woman_stand with the audience. Clowns everywhere with balloons and riding on cute little cars. Even a lady on the flying trapeze. A big lion sits on a circus drum. Cute dogs all dressed up in their circus clothes doing tricks. There were elephants everywhere! Lots of elephants but one thing was wrong, they were all gray.

Clown_in_car Bama, like Buffy Sue is a beautiful pink elephant.  Very     Lion_on_drum_2 rare and special. So unusual, most people have never seen a pink elephant. Renny and Buffy Sue were disappointed they had not seen Bama yet but they weren't going to give up. They decided to enjoy the circus then ask some of the animals if they had seen Bama after the show was over.

Lady_on_ball Juggler They watched a lady on a ball, a juggler and cute baby Ele_on_tightrope gray elephant on a tightrope. They watched a man waving goodbye before he was shot out of a cannon. Now that was exciting! He was just fine, he must have had a lot of practice.  That was the end of the show, so Buffy Sue and Renny set off to talk to the animals.

Man_in_cannon Renny asked a tiger in a circus cage if he had seen  Tiger_circus_2 Bama, he had not. Next they watched a cute little dog who was upset with his jack-in-the-box. It seemed to be broken. Finally the dog had an idea! He sat on the box and that solved the problem. Renny and Buffy Sue didn't want to ask him what he was going to do at bedtime? They figured he'd think of something.

Dog_jump_jack They talked to a gray elephant with a peanut and one Dog_on_jack practicing on a ball for the next show. No luck. No one had seen Bama. Suddenly just what Renny had been afraid of happened, along came a cat. He started chasing Renny until he found a whole in a wall to hide in. Renny decided the only way out of this was to stand up to the bully cat and show him his swordsmanship skills.

Ele_g_peanut Renny found a little hammer and whopped him on the head with Ele_on_ball  it a few times. That did it, the cat became his friend and told him about a circus mouse he should talk to. The cat told Renny he thought the circus mouse had a beautiful pink elephant friend. She was so big that's why the cat left that mouse alone!

C_cat_foot Buffy Sue and Renny began looking for the  M_sword_cat_3  circus mouse, the first thing they found was a rat playing with a maze. He wasn't having much luck figuring it out so he took a break to eat dinner while he listened to Renny and Buffy Sue's story. Renny told him it was a secret and to please not tell any of the circus people why they were there. Mr. Rat said he wouldn't tell and got his friend to take Renny and Buffy Sue to the mouse who knew Bama.

Rat_maze_2 His name was Lou and yes he said he was sure he did know Bama,  Rat_cheese_2  she had become his best friend. He would take them to her right away. Bama was sleeping but when she woke, she knew her dreams had come true. There was her baby Buffy Sue! She ran to her and they couldn't get enough snuggling

P_sleep in. These were the two happiest elephants on earth that  Ele_p_walking night. Renny could only watch with a few tears running down his face. He asked everyone to be very quite and give Bama and Buffy Sue time to visit quietly. Renny gave Lou a nice big block of cheese as a thank you present for watching out for Bama. Lou said he sure was going to miss her but he was happy she was back with her baby.

Ele_man_pickup When the farmer heard that Buffy Sue had gone off in search   Ele_in_truck  of her mother he decided to trade the circus the gray elephant back that they had given him for Bama and the extra money. It just wasn't worth everyone being so unhappy. The gray elephant was happy he was going back to the circus to be with all his friends. Even the Ringmaster was happy.  When they pulled up to the farm with Bama and Buffy Sue, all the animals were cheering. 

Farm_couple The farm hand and his wife were looking as happy as they ever  Hillbilly_dance_2  do. Even the farmer was doing a little dance. He'd been pretty unhappy without Bama too. His whole family and all the animals on his farm are happy again! The nicest sight everyone on the farm sees each morning when they awake is Bama and Buffy Sue strolling along together. They make everone feel so happy and loved, everyday is a good one!




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