May 15, 2007


Dandelion_but_several_l                    Lion_crown_l

One night deep in the jungle a young lion lay sleeping. He was having big wonderful dreams of someday being the "King of the Jungle". After all that's what lions are suppose to be. This lion's name is Edgar and his only problem is he's too kind. Edgar is probably the nicest lion with the sweetest personality anyone has ever met.  Lions are considered the "King of the Jungle" because they are big, tough and fast. They chase down their prey like zebras and other animals for their food.

Zebra Edgar is just to kind to do that.  All the animals who know  Lion_zebra  Edgar bring him food to eat because he is to kind to hurt anything.   He has many friends,  from large animals to frogs and snakes.  The jaguar told Edgar to run very fast and he'd be able to catch a lot of food. 

Jaquar Then Tiny the rhino said "just be strong and tough, that Rhino_g_2 strong and tough, that will scare a lot of animals".  Even though all of that was good advice, it still wasn't Edgar's problem.  Not hurting other creatures was his problem.  Edgar decided to talk with the wise old lion who currently had the title King of the Jungle.  The lion King said, "Edgar you must learn to roar, a great loud roar.   

  Old_lion_king_2 The roar will frighten and slow the animals

you are after."  Edgar tried and tried to roar with all his strength but all that came out was a small peaceful sound.  Maybe Edgar just wasn't cut out to be King.   Franklin, a frog friend of Edgar's, decided to help.  He showed Edgar how people eat, with a knife and fork.  Then Franklin said "you could just do it

Frog_fork_knife       the easy way, like I do and catch a few bugs".  Frog_eat_bug   

Edgar thanked him for his advice but said he thought he'd think it over for awhile.  Truthfully, Edgar didn't think eating bugs was the kind of food he wanted!  He really liked Franklin though and didn't want to hurt his feelings. Franklin headed toward home, ribbiting all the way. When he got to his lake, he spotted

Gator another good friend, Crocker the alligator.  Crocker had    Gator_2     a completely different way of catching food. He would just sneak up out of water when no one knew he was there. Surprise was on his side when he went fishing.  Edgar wasn't crazy about water and getting wet.  He only took a bath in the river when he had to.

     Mouse_t_cheese_2 Oh, goodness it wasn't looking very good for Edgar ever Mouse_t_broccli_3 becoming King!  Another tiny friend was Willy, a little Mouse friend of Edgar's.  He tried to set up two different dinners for Edgar to see if one would interest him.  Willy had the tables all set so pretty.   He served his favorite, cheese on one and broccoli on the other. He never thought about the fact that the tables and chairs were a little small for Edgar.  That was OK with Edgar he just found a seat

Mouse_sweeping on a tree stump and enjoyed Willy's nice dinner.  One thing Edgar Mouse_w_sword  One thing Edgar learned was that foods he may not have eaten before were very good after all!  He really enjoyed his dinner with Willy and promised to invite him to dinner soon.  After dinner and cleaning up a little, Willy dressed in his sword man outfit and showed Edgar how good he was with his sword.  Willy never would have guessed the most important thing Edgar had learned from him.

Rattle_snake Edgar learned that size is not nearly as     Snake_grass important as a heart.  Willy had shown such kindness trying to help Edgar, he was not likely to forget his friendship.  On his way home that night he passed several of his small friends.  A couple of snakes hissed hello to Edgar.   

Turtle_dandelion Then he stopped to watch Dinky the turtle happily Bear_picnic_basket  eating dandelions.  He laughed when he saw a black bear eating out of a picnic basket he had found because Edgar had passed a little ant carrying off the main course, a big hot dog from the basket.  By the time Edgar got home it had gotten pretty late so he laid down and fell right to sleep.

Ant_with_hot_dog He started dreaming of doing all the things the King of the jungle Moon_sleep  would do. Being King of the jungle was a very special title to have.  All the animals in the jungle had great respect for the King!  He was thought of as the top dog! He dreamed of eating steak and walking around in his cape and crown looking very powerful while all the other lions watched with pride.

  Lion_dream_steak Edgar really hoped one day his dream would come true! Lion_read_in_chair  Maybe he would be a big business lion, reading important books and going to meetings carrying important papers in his brief case.  Or, he dreamed about being the star of a big circus, walking on a ball and sitting proudly on a circus drum.  Using a whip to keep all the other animals in line.  There were huge


    Lion_briefcase_3elephants, tigers and many other animals all that listened to Lion_on_drun  everything Edgar said, at least in his dreams.  You can  tell that Emily the elephant thinks he looks a little silly, doesn't she?  It really doesn't look as if she is the least bit afraid of Edgar!  The next morning a beautiful sun came up.  It was going to be a wonderful day! 

                                        Lion_w_whip Elephant_g_2   

Sun_and_tulips Edgar decided to sit and enjoy the morning in his lounge chair. Lion_on_lounge  As sat thinking things over a good friend named Dudley from the near by village came by.  Dudley is a donkey and had an idea he wanted to share with Edgar.  Dudley is a pretty good boxer and he thought he could teach Edgar. 

Lion_boxing That would give him head start on becoming King.  Both Donkey_boxing  Dudley and Edgar put on their boxing gloves and Dudley started showing Edgar how it was done.  Edgar was a fast learner, he picked up the important moves pretty fast.  As a matter of fact he was such a fast learner, Dudley

Donkey_knock_outsuddenly found himself on the floor.  That Frog_popcorn  Edgar had a fast right!   Dudley wasn't hurt, just his pride a little bit. It was one of those things he and Edgar would laugh about for years to come.  Franklin the frog thought the whole boxing match was very funny.  He sat eating popcorn and watched the whole thing.

Gorillas_clean   He would end up telling many of his little tadpoles about the Ram_and_baby story.  The gorillas on the other hand, seemed more interested in cleaning each other.  Suddenly the day came when everything changed and Edgar's problem was solved.   A mother ram had a new baby, only a few hours old and barely able to stand on it's own legs.  The baby was so sweet and innocent.  Unfortunately the mommy ram didn't have any good way the protect it.

B_pantherNo one knew, watching from the forest was a big    Lion_watch_4  black panther.  One of their favorite foods is rams.  Without any warning out he came charging toward the mother and baby ram.  Edgar turned and saw what was happening.  Immediately he flew into action and ran toward the panther, stopping him in his tracks. Edgar let out a mighty ROAR like no one had heard from

Lion_roar_2 him before. He flexed his muscles and the panther   Lion_flex_2 turned in his tracks and ran the other way!  The old King of the jungle blew the horns to announce that a new King had been chosen.  He presented Edgar with his crown and cape officially making him the new King.  Edgar had never been

Baby_ram so proud!   He pledged to take care of the baby ram Lion_walk_crown care of the baby ram for the rest of it's life.  The little ram grew up and named her first baby boy Edgar.  His friends gave him a new hammock and told him to take it easy for awhile.

Lion_in_hammock                      Lion_z_sleep                  Lion_football    

Of course Edgar went right to sleep and as you may have guessed, started dreaming a wonderful dream.  This time he was an NFL football player.  You have to give Edgar credit, he never dreams small!   Of course, all of us now know he is just a wonderful big tender hearted Pussy Cat!



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