May 14, 2007


                Oto_swim_l Jelly_fish

Sometimes things in nature can remind us of other creatures we see around us.  The graceful movement of butterflies has always reminded me of the gentle movement of octopus and jelly fish in the ocean.

Butterfly                                      Dandelion_butterfly                    Butterfly_2

One day not long ago a cute little octopus named Anora decided to prove she and her friends the jelly fish could be just as pretty as any butterfly on land.  Anora had a lot to prove because we all know how beautiful butterflies are.

Flower_w_butter_fly Anora and her friends lived in a large under sea aquarium Oct_brown  surounded by glass.  They had lots of people watching them all the time.  Anora always got extra attention because of her beautiful color.  She was born a lovely lavender purple.  Very unusual, plus she had a sweet face always smiling with large pretty eyes.  Most are a brown color, like the ones above.  No matter the color, they are all graceful and pretty in their own way.  Anora knows that if you take the time to look closely at all creatures and people in life, each has something beautiful about them.  Just take the time to look for it.

Buterfly_multiAnora also has a fun loving personality.  She    Bunch_of_butterfly nicknamed her favorite jelly fish friend Jelly Belly and would giggle each time she called him that.  He would just smile because he knew it was a special pet name Anora had given him because she liked him so much.  Anora is to sweet to ever tease someone and try to hurt their feelings.  She is always a very good friend.


Purp_oct_organges_2 Sometimes Anora and Jelly Belly watched pretty butterflies over the surface of the water above them.  They loved watching the delicate movements of the butterflies and tried to copy them.  Anora loved attention, so one day she put on a special show for the people watching.  She had some oranges to do tricks with for everyone.  Then she did pretty spins like a ballerina.   She was very good, all the people and children watching clapped and cheered making Anora feel very happy. 

3_stingray Another of Anora's friends is the stingray.  He and Butterfly_or_med But_on_red_flower_2  some of his friends watched Anora do her tricks and thought she was very good.  Stingrays also are one of the oceans butterflies.  Don't you think they look and move a lot like butterflies?    They have very graceful movements and seem to just glide through the water.  One day Anora was watching Freckles give her friend David the aquarium scuba diver a ride. 

Diver_on_squid When she saw this, she thought it looked like such fun Oct_on_scuba  she decided to take a ride on DavidOct_brown_on_man_head  also.  Both Anora and David decided a little more practice was needed.  Glenda and Fred, two little seahorses just watched all the excitement from a distance.  Also quietly watching all this was Dooley, a little brown baby octopus.  He thought he'd take a ride on the next scuba 

Seahorse Blue_seahorse diver that came in the aquarium.  1stingray_2  The audience roared with laughter at the results of that.  It didn't work out to well but sure was fun to watch.  Another butterfly type fish is the devil fish.  They look a lot like the squids but are black in color.  Also look at how closely the movements looks like the pretty blue butterfly.  Anora is so excited with all the fun

Devil_squadthings happening at the glass aquarium she can Blue_butterfly_4 hardly sit still.  She decides to e-mail her friends to tell them all about what has happened that day.  She has one friend who doen't have a computer so she has to send her a regular letter.

Butterfly_in_mailbox When her friend opens her mailbox, guess what, happens. Out Purp_oto_computer  comes a beautiful butterfly!   Apparently spring and summer are here.  The butterflies are showing up everywhere, a sure sign of that!


B_flowers Anora wants everyone to know "O" stands for octopus.  "B" stands for butterfly.  "S" stands for Flower_s_3  spring and summer.  Next time you see a butterfly, think of this little girl with one on her nose.  Maybe before the spring and summer is over that will happen to you!



   But_cherry_m Spring_w_tulips_2 But_cherry_m_2

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