May 24, 2007


Fairy_l_2   Snail_on_stump   

Creeping through the dew covered grass and up to the top of an old weathered tree stump was a small snail.  Around him, ferns and spring flowers were also dripping with the morning dew.  It was going to be a beautiful day in Whispering Hollow.  The hollow sits between two huge Appalachian Mountains in Eastern Kentucky.

Flowers_dew The sun was rising over the river near the hollow.  Henry Sun_over_water Becker was a farmer who lived near the river.  He could always be found fishing on the river when a nice morning like this came along.   He was a good fisherman, so lunch would likely be corn bread, soup beans, home fried potatoes, green onions and delicious fried fish.

Man_fish_in_boatHenry had a lovely home he shared with his wife   Log_cabin_2    Harriet, daughter Sue Ellen and his son Timmy.  They were all very happy where they lived and enjoyed the peaceful quiet of their home.  There was one problem though, some of the folks in the area thought the hollow was haunted.   Sometimes at the strangest times you could suddenly here whispering

Tree_with_face  sounds coming from the hollow.  Sounds that rustled through   Tree_looking_2  the ferns and leaves of the trees.  Some people said even the trees had been seen looking around trying to find out where the sounds were coming from.  Sue Ellen told Timmy she had seen a dragon fly with a fairy on it's back flying over the river bank one day.

Fairy_on_firefly Timmy didn't believe her.  After all Sue Ellen was his sister.    Tubby_stand_tub_2 Most Boys don't believe much their sisters tell them.  Timmy decided to go take a swim.  He grabbed his swim tube and headed for the river.  Sue Ellen was already there paddling in her canoe.

Girl_in_canoe Sue Ellen planned to be in a big canoe race the Tubby_float_tub_2 town had every summer.   She was working hard practicing and getting ready for the race.  As she went by she waved at Timmy floating in his tube.  It was one of his favorite things to do.  They both noticed a lot of dragonflies were out on the water.  They seemed to be everywhere!  The water was

Dragon_trio swarming with them.  Timmy looked over and thought Dragon_circle_6  he saw a pretty fairy on the back of a big toad frog.  He couldn't believe his eyes!  Maybe his sister had been right.  Maybe there really were such things as fairies!  He jumped out of the river and headed for home.  On his way he heard that strange sound the folks around there always talked   

Fairy_on_frog_2 about.  A whisper spreading through the air.  Suddenly D_fly_hunter_10    out of the woods ran a hunter with a large dragonfly chasing him.  As he ran by Timmy, he could hear the dragonflies wings making a loud fluttering sound.  It sounded a little like a whisper!  While sitting on the front porch that night the whole family started talking about fairies and dragonflies.  As it turned out both Mr. and Mrs. Becker had seen a fairy a few times.  Henry told the

Lady_float_river_2  kids about seeing a lady floating near the waterfall that ran into the Water_fall river.  He said he saw a unicorn with a fairy flying above it's back, fly over the lady in the water.  He thought the lady must have been sleeping because she didn't even seem to notice.  Henry had told Sue Ellen the story before but now the kids were really surprised.  They realized they may not have

Fairy_fly_unicorn_3 been imagining what they thought they saw.  The   Fairy_unicorn_2 beautiful fairies may have been real after all!  Harriet was a wonderful gardener.   She had a real green thumb which meant she could grow almost anything.  In addition to growing a lot of wonderful vegetables, she also had one of the most beautiful flower gardens in all of Whispering Hollow.               

Dragonfly_on_flower One of Harriet's favorite creatures were the dragonflies.  Lady_plant_flowers Many mornings she would go out to check her flowers and find several pretty dragonflies resting on some of them.  One day she thought she also saw a fairy but as soon as she looked at it, suddenly it just seemed to melt away.  She was never really sure what she had seen.

Disapearing_fairy It could have been a fairy or just another pretty dragonfly.  Dragonfly_5 As she gardened Harriet kept thinking about it.  She felt so sure it wasn't just a dragonfly she had seen, she started to wonder if maybe it could have been both.  Just about that time she turned and saw a beautiful little fairy standing in a lovely purple dress right in the middle of her pink flowers.  Harriet knew she had just seen something no one else would ever see!

Fairy_and_firefly_2 As soon as her family got home she told them about what she B_hair_fairy had seen.  The whole family was finally starting to realize they were sharing their hollow with some very special creatures.  Something most people in this world would never be lucky enough to see.  Sue Ellen was a talented artist.  She worked with oil paint and thought she would try to paint a picture of the pretty fairies the family had seen.

Girl_paint As she sat painting her dog Good Boy showed up and Sue Ellen Girl_bull_dog had to take a brake to give him a hug.  He got the name Good Boy simply because the Becker family are so sweet to all their animals, they kept telling him what a good boy he was until he thought it was his name!  Good Boy had known for a long time about the fairies and dragonflies.

Robin_fly He had always enjoyed laying on the porch watching as Fairy_on_mushroom_2 the robins would chase the dragonflies.  The robins almost never won and Good Dog was glad about that.  He even had a favorite fairy.  She sat each day and rested on a pretty mushroom near the porch.  Animals have a special sense to know somethings that people just don't notice.  Many times they hear and smell much better than we do.  Wouldn't it be nice to know all the things they do?

Fairy_wave_wand Southerners have a saying, "Y'all come back now, ya Fairy_fly   hear!" They really do mean it too.  The Becker family was just as welcoming but also loved the peace and quiet of their so called haunted whispering hollow.  They had since discovered the whispering in the hollow was simply the sound of fairy and dragonfly wings.  To the Becker's, one of the sweetest sounds on earth.



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