June 3, 2007



The barnyard gossip was really buzzing with talk about Molly Moo and her new best friend Dudley the donkey.  Molly Moo and Dudely had lived together on the farm for many years but just recently became close friends.  They lived on a farm with a nice man named Mr. Jones and his wife Rebecca.  They had a little three year old girl named Susie but her father's pet name for her was Susie Q.

Susie_teddy Susie is a sweetie, her favorite Girl_sleep_on_dod toy is a big pink teddy bear she calls Cuddles.  She makes sure Cuddles gets plenty of hugs.  Susie also has a big Saint Bernard dog named Digby.  He is so big and lovable Susie often takes her nap snuggled up with Digby.  He is a very special part of the whole family.  Digby loves them all very much and looks out for them all the time.

Donkey_roar Then there is Dudley.  Everyone on the farm loves Donkey_heavy_bag_2 Dudley.  A couple of times a day he lets out with his famous hee haw and all the farm animals and people know everything is well on the farm.   You see, Dudley didn't start life out lucky.  He was on a farm that had hard work to do everyday.  Dudley worked from sun up to sun down hauling heavy bales. Then one day Mr. Jones stopped by and offered the farmer Dudley worked for a large amount of money to buy Dudley.

Donkey_jack_2 Mr. Jones needed a strong donkey to help with some Donkey_computer_3 of the heavy work.  Dudley helped with things like jacking up tractors or cars, anything Mr. Jones needed his help with, even a little computer work sometimes.  To tell the truth though, Mr. Jones didn't have very much work for Dudley to do.  Most of the time he had the day off and sat in his rocker thinking, what a lucky donkey he is!


Cow_milk Dudley met Molly Moo one day as he was walking by while Cow_milk_bucket_3  farmer Jones was milking her. After he was done Dudley saw Molly Moo helping Mr. Jones carry a bucket of milk back to the house.  He thought Molly Moo was a hard worker and liked her right away.  Molly Moo knew her milk was very important because Susie Q needed it to make her grow big and strong.  Besides, Susie liked milk!

Susie_fridge   Her mommy, Rebecca, would come in from brushing her Lady_brush_horse_2 horse to find Susie trying to get the refrigerator opened, looking for a glass of milk.  Molly Moo was one of her favorite animals on the farm.  Susie was a very lucky little girl, she had nice parents to love and care for her and a whole farm full of animals who loved her too.

Donkey_w_carrot Dudley was so impressed with Molly Moo.  One day he   Cow_car_3  stood eating a big carrot for lunch and saw Molly Moo standing in the road to stop a car that always went by the farm very fast.  She was willing to risk her life to keep Susie safe.  That did it!  Dudley wanted to be good friends with this nice brave cow.

Cow_bal_fenceDudley taught Molly Moo how to balance on a fence. Susie watched Girl_tire_swing_s_3 from the tire swing her daddy had made for her.  Everyone on the farm was getting excited because the State Fair was coming to town.  Dudley was practicing playing some music and Molly Moo was planning to enter the barrel race.  Balancing on the fence was making her stronger for the race.

Donkey_guitar  The day of the Fair Molly Moo got a front row seat and a Cow_popcorn  big box of popcorn to watch Dudley play his music.  He was a big hit, everyone thought he was great.  Susie Q was so proud she clapped and clapped!  Next was the big race of the day so Molly Moo got ready to go to the starting line.

Susie_clap Molly Moo was in charge of ringing the bell signaling the start of the Cow_bell  race.  When all the cows and other animals were ready, the Mayor of the town blew the whistle and off they went.  There was a fast little sheep out there and Molly Moo stumbled and almost fell.  They were coming down to the finish line and the crowd was going wild. 

Cow_in_barrel Suddenly Molly Moo caught a second wind and across the finish line Cow_ribbon  she went for a first place win.  It was the first race she had ever won and was so happy and proud of her blue ribbon.  Everyone from the Jones farm was very excited.  Dudley decided to sing her a special song he had written just for her.  Again, Dudley's song was very good and everyone liked it.

Donkey_singHis song pleased Molly Moo so much she let out a happy Cow_tonque_2  chuckle.  Looked like there was going to be a big party tonight.  Mr. Jones had hired a band to play for everyone on the farm.  He and Rebecca had invite a lot of their friends back from the Fair and of course all the animals were celebrating Molly Moo's big win!

Sad_sheep There was one unhappy little sheep though, the one who Susie_sheep  came in second in the race behind Molly Moo.  When Susie saw how sad she looked, Susie decided to walk her home to the farm.  They looked so cute together, many people said Susie looked like Little Bo Peep.  The little sheep was so glad Susie still thought she was special, even though she didn't win the race.  She was happy and ready to join the party!

Hillbilly_band As the band played everyone started to dance and Susie_brush_teeth have a great time.  Susie Q had to go in a little early to get ready for bed.  She brushed her teeth and lay down to sleep with the wonderful sounds of people and animals having fun.  Susie Q was a very lucky little girl and as she drifted off to sleep she had sweet dreams ready for the whole night!

Cow_jigMolly Moo and Dudley too were having a great time.  Even Donkey_jig_4  the little sheep, who had been so sad joined the party and was having fun.  All was happy on the Jones farm.  Mr. Jones and Rebecca knew it was going to stay that way forever.



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