August 1, 2007



BoBo was a cute little blue pickup truck that was very special to Henry.  Henry got BoBo when he was a brand new truck, back when Henry was a teenager.  BoBo was getting pretty old but then so was Henry.  People were always trying to buy BoBo from Henry but he would never sell BoBo.  He thought of BoBo as his best friend!

M_cane Henry knew BoBo had a few dings here and there and sometimes B_truck_sneeze_2  got a few sniffles and sneezes.  That didn't matter to Henry. When he looked at BoBo, he saw the same shiny new little pickup he first saw when he was seventeen.  BoBo had become part of Henry's life.

S_bench Stewart was a friend and neighbor of Henry's.  He   Pickup_red  wondered sometimes why Henry didn't just sell BoBo and get a brand new truck.  Henry would just say,"nope can't do that, BoBo's family."  BoBo meant more to Henry than all the shiny new chrome in the world.

B_truck_mad_2 BoBo got pretty angry with Stewart when he heard him S_red_car_2 telling Henry things like that.  He watched as Stewart would drive by in his spiffy little car.  Acting like he was king of the world.  BoBo knew Stewart was working on trying to loose some weight and he wished Stewart would just go home and work on that.  Speaking of loosing weight, as soon as Stewart got home BoBo saw a pizza delivery car pull up at Stewart's house. 

S_pizza BoBo thought, that sure wasn't going to help Stewart.  He also S_cough  knew Stuart had the habit of taking a nap after dinner instead of a walk like he should.  BoBo was proud of Henry, he always took Buster the family dog for a walk every night after dinner.  BoBo liked Buster, he wasn't like Stewart's dog Carlton.  Stewart had him so spoiled he'd come over and pee on BoBo's tires.

M_walk_dog BoBo didn't like that one little bit.  If there was anything good B_truck_dogabout it, it was that Henry would take BoBo over to see Mr. Davis the car wash man.   Ohhh!  Getting a wash job from Mr. Davis was like going for a massage.  He always did such a great job and it felt wonderful to BoBo!  Henry use to wash BoBo but he just never was very good at it.  The bucket always ended up getting a kick before he was done!

M_kick_bucket BoBo's favorite part of the car wash was when Mr, Davis did M_wash_b_truck_2  the towel drying, boy did that feel great!  BoBo loved his car washes so much he always got a little sleepy and would need a little extra gas to wake up.  Mr. Carter would have Mark, one of the young men working with him, go to the gas station to get BoBo a drink of gas so Henry could get him home.  It was Mr. Davis' secret but BoBo was his favorite customer.

B_truck_gasThat drink of gas worked just like a cup of coffee on B_truck_gas_prices  people in the mornings.  It woke BoBo right up!  When he saw the price of the gas on the pumps, that really woke him up! He appreciated his wash and rub down so much.  Mr. Davis didn't blame Henry one bit for keeping BoBo.  He thought he was a great truck!

M_model_airplane    Mr. Davis was a model airplane builder and collector, so he knew S_tread  just how it was to have something you cared about.  Meanwhile Stewart was on his tread mill trying to take off the pizza.  He was having a hard time getting any weight off.  It seemed the pizza was winning the battle.

Lady_w_keys UH! OH! What do we have here?  Looks like Henry's Sportscar  wife Ellen has a shiny new set of keys in her hand.  Worst yet, there's a new shiny red car in the driveway!  Ellen seems to think it would be the right time to sell BoBo and help pay for the new car she has bought.  Well Henry didn't think that was a good idea at all so a little quarrel got started and Henry ended up in the dog house sleeping that night!

M_dog_housePoor Henry, at least BoBo didn't know what the   B_truck_sleep_5  arguing was about, he just knew he had company to sleep with that night.  Henry's alarm clock he had taken with him the night before, woke him right on time.  He went into the house that morning and made up with Ellen.  They decided to keep both, her new red car and BoBo.  Henry got on his stair stepper exercise machine and had a good work out.

M_clock_2   Then he got an idea!  He thought no maybe he'd better not, then he M_stair_step_2 thought, oh why not!  It was like he had an angel on one shoulder and a little devil on the other.  Well today I'm afraid the little devil in Henry won out.  He got into BoBo and went out into a field far away from everyone to do something they hadn't done for years.

  M_angel_devil Cut cookies!  They had such a good time, B_truck_cookies_3  Henry felt like a kid again!  BoBo had a great time too.  He felt like that new red car of Ellen's, had nothing on him.  He'd put his cookies up against his any day!  When Henry got home he was doing a little jig.  Then he got on his computer to e-mail Stewart and invite him over to tell him about his day.

M_dance Henry was feeling very good.  Stewart said he'd be right over, so Henry M_computer went out to sit, do a little whittling and wait for Stewart.  As Henry sat whittling he thought about a young neighbor named John he had passed on his way home.  John was out polishing his new sports car, they waved at one another and Henry wondered if someday John would hang on to that car like he had BoBo.

M_wittle It probably wouldn't happen.  There was just something M_wipe_sport_car  special between Henry and BoBo.  When Stewart got there they talked about the fun Henry had that day with BoBo.  They also talked about a picnic the neighborhood was going to have the next weekend. Henry planned to get some fireworks and Stewart was going to help him with them. 

Man_circle_in_chair Stewart told Henry he had lost a little weight and was very happy S_scale  about that!  Henry was glad for Stewart too.  He knew it was a hard job to loose weight.  That picnic this weekend wouldn't help Stewart.  All those hot dogs and burgers were going to be awfully tempting.  Henry thought he'd try to keep him busy with the fireworks.

M_beer Henry took his rocking chair to the picnic and enjoying watching Redneck_van  the kids play.  A neighbor named Dan pulled up in his new van and was showing everyone how his new remote worked on the doors.  Finally it was time for the fireworks.  Stewart and Henry got all set up and ready to go. 

Fireworks  The fireworks were just beautiful.  Even BoBo was all B_truck_shocked_2  goggle eyed at how pretty they were!  The parents and children were clapping and enjoying the fireworks so much!  Then all of a sudden something awful happened!  Henry was lighting the next fireworks when it went off right in his hand!

M_fireworks   Henry was lucky, he wasn't really hurt but he needed to have a B_truck_angry doctor take a look at him.  BoBo saw what happened and was really upset.  Thank goodness John loaded Henry in BoBo and they took off to the doctors office.  BoBo was so worried about Henry he was going pretty fast and weaving around on the road! 

B_truck_weaveLuckily BoBo got Henry to the doctor's office safely.  The doctor Doctor_md  looked Henry over and told him he would be a little sore and red for a few days but that he was lucky and would be OK.  He gave Henry some cream for his slightly burned face and said he could go home.   BoBo was so glad that Henry was OK he even smiled a little at Henry's red face. 

B_truck_walk Henry got a little mad and jumped up and down so BoBo just M_red_face_2  quietly tip toed away.  Bobo knew Henry would get over it and be his old self pretty fast.  Sure enough in a few days Henry was feeling much better and out on his riding lawn mower doing the lawn.  BoBo was a happy little pickup just sitting on the driveway watching Henry, after all BoBo, Henry and Ellen were family.



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