July 25, 2007


P_cat_head Pirate_ship_l

The sun was shinning so brightly that the ocean water sparkled like it had been sprinkled with star dust or a million fireflies.  Cappie (which is a nickname for Captain) was walking around his old beautiful Spanish galleon.  Cappie thought of himself as a modern day pirate.  He had heard a story about a spot in the ocean where a ship had sunk many years ago loaded with a chest full of gold.  Cappie had hired himself a mate named Scalywag to guide his ship and set off to find the treasure.

Pug_walk Back on shore, Cappie had left his best friend Poodle. Rosie_vacuum  Now Poodle is a Pug but he has a mommy owner with a great sense of humor.  Her name is Rosie and she always thought a Poodle and a Pug were two dogs who looked completly different from one another.  So, Rosie being Rosie, named her Pug ... Poodle!  Rosie and Poodle love each other more than anything.  They are a true family.

P_cat_eye_patchCappie met Poodle one day on the beach when Poodle was Pug_scratch_back_2 happily scratching his back in the sand.  Cappie pulled up his eye patch to get a better look (now this is a secret, Cappie didn't have anything wrong with his eye, he wore the eye patch to look tougher).  After Cappie got a good look at Poodle he introduced himself and Poodle was such a gentle sweet dog, he didn't even notice that Cappie was a cat.  While most dogs would have chased Cappie, Poodle just wanted to be friends.

Ship_at_sunset That was the beginning of a friendship that  P_scalywag  would last for many years.  As Cappie pulled the ship out into the ocean at sunset with Scalywag at the wheel.  Poodle watched them go then headed for home to take care of his main responsibility, Mama Rosie.  He found her doing what Rosie did most of the time, exercising to loose weight.  Poodle didn't really see why she bothered, he thought she was great just the way she was.

Rosie_crunches_4 Rosie worked real hard on her exercises, she wasn't going to give Rosie_weights_2  up.  Rosie was glad to see Poodle home.  She knew he liked to go down to the beach and visit with Cappie but sometimes she got worried if he was a little late.  She and Poodle gave each other big hugs.  Poodle had his dinner and he and Rosie sat down to cuddle and watch a little TV.

Tv_with_pizza Watching TV wasn't always good for Rosie's diet,  Pug_on_back_2  most of the commercials were all about food, like yummy looking pizza that just made poor Rosie hungry!  Poodle just rested on his back and wondered how far out Cappie and Scalywag had gotten.  They didn't have to go to far out because the spot where the old ship had supposedly sunk was not very far from shore.  Poodle liked that because every day or so he would see Cappie's ship coming back in to land.  He always loved hearing Cappie's sea stories.

Pirate_ship_on_water One day Cappie told him, he and Scalywag had to fire Shark  off the old cannons on the ship to scare away a group of sharks that kept getting close to the ship.  Poodle had a great imagination.  When he and Rosie went to sleep at night, sometimes he would have dreams about Cappie being an old time pirate and fighting his way out of trouble.  Poodle dreamt he was big and brave just like Mighty Dog was on the old cartoons.

P_cat_sword He would put on a cape (one of Rosie's bath Pug_w_cape  towels) and off he'd fly to help Cappie fight the bad guys.  See, I told you Poodle dreamt BIG!  One night Poodle and Rosie heard on TV about a ship that was lost at sea.  He ran down to the shore and looked out into the dark water.  Thank goodness for the lighthouse it made it possible to see a little way out in the water.

Lighthouse Poodle sat there until the sun started to come up, then there Pug_jump   it was, Cappie and Scalywags ship coming in.  Poodle was so happy he was jumping up and down.  Poodle had never really understood what a treasure chest was and why Cappie wanted to find it so bad.  When Cappie got off the ship, he had a little one he had bought to show Poodle what he was looking for.

P_cat_s_chestCappie showed the little chest to him and explained the one Gold_chest_l_6 he hoped to find would be much bigger and filled with gold. Poodle sure hoped they would find it some day, he would like to see Cappie and Scalywag be able to stay home for awhile so he could see more of them.  Poodle and Cappie sat on the beach and just talked for awhile.

Rosie_coffee Rosie got up from bed, fixed her morning coffee and was so happy to hear on Rosie_purse the radio that it was a shrimp boat that had been lost.  The coast guard found it and everyone on board was OK.  She got a little upset though when she looked around and couldn't find Poodle.  So got fixed up (for Rosie that meant getting her purse) and went out to look for Poodle.

Pug_kick Poodle was just kicking around on the beach when all of a Pug_mug  sudden the dogie police saw him.  Before he could do anything they had captured Poodle and taken him to the animal shelter.  Poodle even had a mug shot made.  Later the Pug Mug would become a big joke but right now he was scared.  Scalywag told Cappie he had seen the dog police get Poodle, so he got Rosie and they went down and got him out.

Rosie_ex_weightsWhen they got home Rosie did her exercises and weighed herself but not much Rosie_scales  had changed.  Rosie didn't get the part that you need to eat a little less as well as exercise to lose weight.  Cappie headed back out to sea for another day of treasure hunting.  Everything was getting pretty much back to normal.  Rosie did notice Poodle stayed a little closer to home.  He didn't seem to like his visit to the dog pound.

Rosie_bath  Rosie took her morning bath and then did some ironing.  It Rosie_iron  was unusual for Rosie to have much ironing because she had one red dress she wore most of the time.  Poodle played out in the yard and went next door to visit his neighbor who he had heard was sick.  His name was Rover.  Secretly, Rosie always thought his parents didn't have much of an imagination on dog names.

Sick_dog Rover wasn't looking to good but thanked Poodle for Pug_ball_2 coming and said "the Vet said 'he'd be fine soon'."  He just had a flu or something like that.  Poodle was glad to hear his friend was going to be OK.  He didn't like playing ball in the yard all by himself.  It started to get late in the day and Poodle knew it was getting time for Cappie to be coming back to shore.

Pirate_sailPoodle saw the Spanish galleon coming in and couldn't P_cat_walk_2  wait to see if they had any luck today finding the treasure. Then Poodle saw Cappie coming.  He was walking like he was happy and confident about something.  Sure enough, when he got to Poodle he have him a big hug and said "we found it, we finally have the treasure!"

P_cat_gold_chest_2Poodle was so happy for his friend.  Cappie had Dog_walk_lady  worked so hard and sailed the waters for years to find this treasure.  Poodle was also happy for himself because now Cappie could take a break and stay home once in awhile.  Maybe Poodle would teach him how to play ball and Cappie could show him how to use that big sword of his.  Poodle saw Rosie walking with Rover who looked a lot better.  Maybe he should say Rover was bringing Rosie! 

Pug_sit Poodle happily watched the next day as Cappie cashed in Owl_and_cat_in_boat  his gold.  He got enough money to live the rest of his life very well without ever working again.  Poodle thought he would probably go out to sea once in awhile.  The sea was in Cappie's blood.  Poodle thought it was really funny to see everyone headed out to sea to treasure hunt the next day.  There was even and owl and cat headed out.  A lot of the same folks who had laughed at Cappie for years, were now going out to sea themselves.  That night Rosie did the dreaming.  She dreamt about her Poodle and what a sweet dog he was.  In Rosie's dream Poodle was her little angel. Well it was Rosie's dream, so she can dream whatever she wants to!



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