August 27, 2007



On a beautiful farm in the state of Kansas lived a farmer named Ted Olsen and his wife Kate and their beautiful daughter Sabrina.  Mr. Olsen raised sheep on the farm to shear each spring and sell the wool for people to make clothing.  The Olsen's farm had hundreds of sheep and though Sabrina loved them all, she had two favorites.  One named Pearl the other Ebony.  Pearl was a beautiful pure white and Ebony was solid black.  Sabrina had been there late the night they were born and they had been very special to her from that time on.

Bl_wh_sheep Ebony and Pearl were really sweet little lambs   Sheep_graze_2  everyone loved, even the other sheep.  When the large mother sheep were out in the fields grazing on the grass they all watched out for the little ones.  One day when no one was watching, Ebony wondered off by herself.  She had seen something over the hill and wanted to find out what it was.

Sheep_grass While Pearl was busy munching on some grass, Ebony was Barn  climbing over the hill to check out what she had seen.  Ebony always had a curious streak and just couldn't help finding out what was going on.  When Pearl and all the other sheep headed back for the barn that night, they realized Ebony wasn't with them.  Since she was the only pure black lamb it wasn't hard to miss her.

Sheep_sad Pearl was so sad and very worried about Ebony.  She Sheep_pray_3  moped around and even said a special prayer for her that night.  Pearl was so worried that she couldn't get to sleep that night.  She tossed and turned and then she remembered the older sheep telling the little ones how some people fall asleep by counting sheep.  People close their eyes and pretend to count them one by one to take their minds off other problems.

Count_sheep Poor Pearl counted and counted, when she got to a   Sheep_wolf couple hundred she decided even counting sheep wasn't going to help her get to sleep.  She loved Ebony so much she couldn't keep from worrying.  She remembered the mother sheep telling all the little ones about big bad wolves who were out in the woods just waiting to catch sweet little lambs.  She was so afraid for Ebony.

Barn_rooster When the rooster woke all the folks on the farm Bunch_sheep_sad the next morning, a lot of sad sheep headed out to the fields.  Everyone was worried about Ebony.  Pearl had heard it was almost time for Mr. Olsen to start the spring shearing.  That is when all the adult sheep get a hair cut so they will be cool for the summer and still have time to grow back nice wool for the winter to keep them warm.

Sheep_shears The babies just got a little trim because their coats weren't Sheep_hair_cut full and long enough to cut it all off.  It was kind of fun, like going to the beauty salon for a hair cut.  Maggie the hair sheering sheep called her little room the "Shear Delight Salon".  Everyone thought that was pretty funny!  Maggie always did a great job and everyone left the salon feeling beautiful.

Sheep_stick Pearl didn't take the time to get a trim she was out in the woods Sheep_scooter first thing the next morning looking everywhere for Ebony.  When she couldn't find her in the woods, she took a scooter and went up and down all the paths around the farm looking for Ebony.  One thing was for sure,  she was going to give that sister of hers a peace of her mind when she did find her!

Bl_wh_face_sheep Mabel and Maxine were two twin sisters who didn't look Sheep_book much like either.  They had the reputation of being VERY smart though.  They had read a lot of books and had learned a lot because of that.  They told Pearl she should go into town because their was a sheep auction going on that day and maybe she could find Ebony there.

Sheep_red_scooter Pearl borrowed Sabrina's red motor scooter and headed into Sheep_farmer  town.  Meanwhile farmer Olsen started the sheep shearing.  He had a lot of sheep to shear.  The whole time though he couldn't stop thinking about little Ebony, she was special to everyone on the farm.  He sure hoped Pearl had some luck finding her.

Sheep_shiver_2  Each and everyone of the sheep were very Bunch_sheep_2  nervous and afraid for Ebony.  They were a pretty sad looking bunch.  They all thought of Ebony as a special little friend and knew how much Pearl would miss her if she wasn't found.  Finally Pearl made it to town and came up to the area where the auction was being held.  An auction is where farmers sell animals to other farmers that need them.

Sheep_on_fence Getting over the fence around the auction became a little Sheep_little_girl  trouble for Pearl.  She finally made it over with the help of a cute little girl who reminded Pearl of Little Bo Peep.  Pearl saw a farmer with a trailer to haul sheep in.  She decided she better go and check out the trailer in case Ebony was inside.  She was getting more and more concerned about Ebony every minute.  She just had to find her!

Sheep_man_trailer When the farmer wouldn't open the trailer for Trailer_chase Pearl to see inside, she got on top and jumped up and down.  He got her down and she grabbed his banjo so he chased her around and around the trailer.  Finally he thought it would just be easier to open the door and show Pearl that Ebony wasn't there.  All she saw inside was a mother sheep and her little lamb.

Sheep_babyThe farmer had made them very comfortable, he Sheep_by_fence_3  seemed like a very nice man.  The mommy sheep told Pearl they were very happy to be going home with him.  He had told them he had a nice warm barn for them to live in and many fields of grass so they would never be hungry. Pearl saw large pretty sheep all over, standing by the fence and just walking around.

Big_sheep   The sheep all looked pretty happy, they are usually very Farmer_pump_water  well taken cared for.  They live for years with the farmers and get to know each other very well.  The better cared for the sheep are, the more nice wool the farmer gets to sell each year.  So they kind of take care of each other.

Bl_sheep_eat_5 Suddenly Pearl looked up and there she was, Ebony Wh_sheep_eat     eating a big mouth full of grass!  Pearl was munching on some herself at the same time.  It is not unusual for twins to do things at the same time, even those that don't look exactly alike. They ran to each other and nuzzled together.  They were both very happy to be back together! Pearl was so excited she started jumping up and down.

Sheep_jump_3 After they hugged and nuzzled awhile they both decided to head for home.Rooster  Ebony had learned her lesson.  There truly is no place like home!  As they neared the farm, one of the roosters saw them coming and started crowing out a message to let everyone know that their two special lambs were coming home!

Hillbilly_band_2  Farmer Olsen threw a great party.  He invited some 3_sheep_dance_2  friends over who had a band and a lot of fun and dancing went on.  Everyone was so glad to have their special pair of twins back home.  All seemed right again on the Olsen farm.  That night when the barn door closed, there was the wonderful feeling that all the farm family was back together again!  Ebony found out one thing for sure, as the old saying goes...



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