September 2, 2007



Meet Robbie, he's a cute gold fish that lives in a cabin style home on the edge of beautiful Kentucky Lake.  The lake is on the border between Kentucky and Tennessee.  Robbie's family is David and Emily Stuart.  They are a young married couple with a cat named Murphy and of course Robbie, the gold fish.

Couple_hug David and Emily are very happy. They are newly weds Fish_bowl always hugging and cuddling.  Robbie and Murphy think it's nice to live in such a happy home.  Most of the time Robbie is just happy to swim in his nice fish bowl.  He can happily watch everything going on in the house.  Which includes keeping an eye on Murphy.  The two of them keep a close eye on each other!

Cat_fish_bowl As a matter of fact Murphy's favorite thing to do is to watch Tv Robbie and another fish David and Emily have named Bubbles.  Murphy has a great fondness for Sushi.  Just in case you don't know what that is.  It's raw fish!  Robbie can also watch TV from his bowl.  He really likes that, especially when cartoons are on.  Unlike most fish Robbie can live for a long time out of water. 

Sushi  Sometimes Robbie likes to sneak out of the bowl Sushi_food_2 and go out to see what's going on in the world around him.  He always slipped quietly passed the Sushi Factory so know one would notice him.  He sure didn't want to get caught by those people.  Sushi is a food a lot of people like that is made out of raw fish.  Robbie would head down to Kentucky lake and see if there were some fresh worms around.  One of his favorite foods. 

Grandma_boy_fish Robbie loved the lake and all the people who loved it Man_in_boat too.  He passed a grandmother and her grandson fishing that was a good sign for Robbie.  When he saw people fishing there was a good chance there would be worms around for them to put on there fishing hooks.  Out on the lake in a fishing boat was a man enjoying the day fishing also.

Can_of_worms Then, sure enough, behind the Grandma and Grandson was a big can Br_worn_2  of worm.  To Robbie this looked as good as a big steaming pizza!  Robbie took one look at the can of worms and one word came to his mind, LUNCH!  He took off after one of the worms and decided to catch him no matter how long it took.  He had missed his breakfast this morning and he was very hungry!

Fish_chase_worm As Robbie chased the worm he headed straight for the Fish_jump_by_boat  lake.  The worm knew if he made it to the water he'd probably be safe.  As Robbie got to the edge of the lake, he could see a fisherman in a pretty red boat with a big bass jumping out of the water near him.  That bass better be careful or he was going to be that fisherman's dinner that night.

Gold_fish_jumb_water The worm made it to the water before Robbie could Bass_w_lure  catch him so Robbie jumped in the lake to take a swim.  The bass was looking at the fisherman's lure.  Robbie thought, he'd better be careful the bass was getting awful close to that fishing line.  Some fish like worms to eat and others are attracted to plastic brightly colored lures that fishermen put hooks on.

Worm_on_hook Robbie spotted a worm on a hook and thought it may be Man_boy_lake  one of the Grandma and Grandson's.   He swam on and came by some poles that had a father and son on the other end.  Oh that worm looked so good Robbie just could resist.  BIG MISTAKE!  Next thing he knew, Robbie was trying to get a hook out of his mouth.  He was lucky the fishing line broke or he would probably have been someone's dinner that night.

Fish_hook_mouthPoor Robbie pulled and pulled on that hook Fish_hook_neck_right  and finally it came out.  Robbie decided to save the hook and wear it around his neck like a necklace to show everyone how brave he had been to get away from the fishermen.  Robbie began to think about a little salt water friend of his named Bubbles.  Everyone called him that because bubbles always came out of his mouth as he talked.

Blue_fish_bubbles Bubbles told Robbie about a time back when he lived in the Blue_fish_starfish ocean and got a starfish stuck to his face.  Bubbles said he had a very hard time getting that starfish off.  Robbie thought he was probably lucky, he only had to deal with fish hooks.  Bubbles was glad he lived with a nice family in a fish bowl these days.  He didn't even want to deal with a starfish on his face again.

Hug_with_rose That night when David and Emily got home from work, David had a  Kiss_rose beautiful red rose for Emily.  He got a big hug and kiss from Emily.  Being newly weds this cuddling went on all the time and David had planned it just this way.  Both David and Emily began to look for Robbie.  They knew he was not your normal gold fish and he liked to go down to the lake but they did worry about him.  They were afraid a fisherman would get Robbie one day.

Fish_jaquzi  When they went out on their back porch, they were Cat_clean  glad to see Robbie relaxing in their jacuzzi.  Now on the other hand, Murphy the cat wasn't quite as impressed with Robbie, he just cleaned himself and thought about the day he may catch that silly gold fish.   Sushi is top on Murphy's list of favorite foods.

Cat_food_can_2 A big can of fish could make Murphy wiggle all over with Cat_in_fish_bowl excitement.  One thing he didn't want was to end up like his friend Herman, when he tried to catch his families gold fish.  Poor Herman had ended up in the bowl full of water instead of the gold fish.  Cat's don't like water and Herman was not a very happy cat!

Couple_karri_2 That night David and Emily did one of their favorite things, sang Rapper_fish_sm some Karaoke.  It was something they had a lot of fun doing.  Even Robbie had learned how to do it by watching them.  He was so cute.  He'd put his little baseball cap on backwards, start singing and really get into the rapping!  Some of David and Emily's friends said they should enter him in the local Karaoke contest sometime.

Fish_saxRobbie was such a talented little guy he could Cat_scratch_3  even play great jazz on a little sax David had gotten him.  Murphy was even enjoying the music.  He used his scratching post keeping time with the music Robbie was playing.  He hated to admit it but he was starting to like this fish and didn't think he could eat him even if he did catch him someday.  Looked like they were just going to have to be friends.  Murphy would settle for the great tuna David and Emily always got special just for him.  (Murphy was a pretty spoiled cat you see!)

Man_w_gold_fish Next day when Robbie walked down to the bank of the lake Man_boat_fish_2 he found things were not looking very good for his fish friends.  A lot of fisherman had caught several of them.  Even the man after that big bass had won that battle too!  Robbie decided to turn around and head back for home.  It seemed like the smart thing to do.  As he pasted Herman's house he noticed Goldie was safely back in her bowl.

Gold_fish_blue_bowl He bet Herman had learned a lesson and probably  Cat_kung_fu_2 wouldn't be going after Goldie anymore.  Murphy had become so fond of Robbie he was taking martial arts lessons to protect Robbie from other cats like Herman.  They were all becoming a real family.  That evening David brought Emily another present.  A pretty box of candy and another red rose.

Couple_gift Emily hoped their life together would always be like this.  Robbie Gold_fish_swim_in_bowl_2  watched them from his nice safe little gold fish bowl and thought to himself that even when they were 100 years old, David and Emily would still be in love.  He was a lucky fish to have them as his family because, guess what?  You got it,  Robbie just knew they were going to "live happily ever after"!  Robbie also had learned...



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