September 29, 2007



Friggle frog is a happy go lucky kind of guy with one problem.  His best friend looks at him sometimes and sees barbecued frog legs!  You see, Friggle's best friend is Patty the pelican and pelicans love to eat fish and frogs too.  Patty and Friggle became friends years ago when they were just babies.  Friggle was just a little frog back then, just out of the tadpole stage. 

Frog_grill_2 Patty caught him one day and was about to have him for lunch Pel_frog_mouth when Friggle said "if you will let me go, I will be your friend for life and always help you find food."  Patty and Friggle made a deal and have been friends ever since that day.  Friggle has to make sure he keeps up his side of the bargain because when Patty gets real hungry she starts to look at Friggle in a way that says "IT'S DINNER TIME!"

Pel_pierPatty would sit most of the day looking at the ocean Frog_lilly_pad_2  watching for fish, shrimp or frogs.  Just as long as the frog wasn't Friggle.  Friggle would always help with Patty's food search by jumping on his lily pad surf board and looking for Sushi.  Some of you probably know, Sushi is just a name for raw fish.  Friggle and Patty made a great fishing team. 

Pel_soar   Friggle would spot a school of fish (that's what you call a  Pel_sushi_2 group of fish that all swim together).  He would signal to Patty and she would soar out and scoop up enough fish to share Sushi with all her friends that night.  It also made life a lot more comfortable for Friggle.  He could kick back and take it easy, knowing he wasn't going to be dinner that night.

Frog_on_mush Friggle would lay back on his bed of Dragon_on_flower  mushrooms and think about going for some dinner himself pretty soon.  Friggle didn't have to work very hard for his supper because he liked dragonflies and they were everywhere.  Anywhere there was water, you were sure to find dragonflies.  He would find them sitting on pretty flowers near the water or just flying over the water.

Dragonfly_3 Lucky for Friggle, dragonflies were easy to find.  He   Frog_on_branch would just sit on his favorite tree branch and pretty soon along would come a big juicy dragonfly.  He was glad his dinner was easy to find because he had to work a little harder to help Patty find hers.  A deal was a deal and besides he knew Patty really liked him a lot and didn't really think she'd ever make dinner out of him.  Just in case though, he planned to play it safe and keep her in plenty of fish.

Frog_light_pole Friggle was a fun loving guy and one day when it got real cold Pel_walk  outside he did something real silly.  He put his tongue on a frozen light pole.  Now we all know your tongue is going to get stuck if you do that but not Friggle.  Patty had to come to his rescue with a pouch full of warm water to pour over the pole so his tongue would come loose.

Frog_jig Friggle was so happy to be loose from that pole Frog_thumb that he did his famous Friggle jig for Patty.  She always thought that was funny an loved to see Friggle jig.  After he did his jig, Friggle always felt kind of silly and a little embarrassed.  It wasn't long before Friggle decided it was lunch time.  He started watching for some dragonflies to come along.

Frog_fork With his fork and knife Friggle would be ready when Frog_dragon_flies_3 a dragonfly did come by. Right on schedule here came a nice lunch time snack, this time it was a bee.  Friggle wasn't picky he believed everyone needed a little variety in their diet.  Near the ocean was a pond where Friggle lived and most of his relatives.  He had not seen his cousins for awhile and decided to go visit them.

Frog_dragonfly_2As usual he found cousin Crocker watching a   Leap_frog dragonfly that was soon to be lunch.  Cousin Crocker had two twin boys named Ted and Fred.  Don't ask, cousin Crocker has a great sense of humor!  Friggle found Ted and Fred playing, guess what?  You got it, leap frog.  These two were cute but didn't have a big imagination!

Frog_hole   One day a few months ago Friggle had found   Dragonfly_2  an empty mole hole that he made his home.  He found it was a good place to keep and eye out for dragonflies.  Friggle was a very smart frog!  He visited with Crocker, Ted and Fred for awhile then decided to go and see what Patty was up to.  She might need his help catching some dinner.

Pel_fish_poleFriggle found Patty fishing and decided to pull out his favorite Frog_pop_corn lawn chair, grabbed some popcorn and watched Patty fish.  Patty fished all day and when she was done she had a huge amount of fish.  All her friends and neighbors would have a great dinner tonight.  The person who had the most fun was Friggle.  Friggle was very fond of just sitting around watching someone else do the fishing!

Pel_chopPatty chopped fish most of the evening and fed every Frog_umbrella  pelican she knew and many that she didn't.  Next day it was raining outside, so Friggle got his umbrella out.  He had been planning to play a tennis match with Patty but they would have to put it off for another day.  Friggle decided to go get his fishing pole and help Patty do some fishing.  When it rains the fish are harder to catch so Friggle thought he'd help Patty out.

Frog_fish  Off went Friggle to do some heavy duty fishing.  Frog_search Friggle had to stop and get on top on a sand dune to search for Patty.  Finally he spotted her and joined her for a good day of fishing.  Patty wasn't going to go hungry that night.  The rain stopped and they saw a lot of interesting things out on the water.  Probably the strangest thing was a boat with an owl and a pussy cat out at sea.

Oat_cat_boat Hummm, Friggle thought something about that Speedboat  sounded kind of familiar!  Friggle and Patty waved to them and the owl waved back.  Then they saw a pretty red speedboat, man it was fast! Moving right along just kind of skimming on top of the water.  The speedboat passed the boat with the owl and the pussy cat so fast they almost didn't see him!

Lake_fish_2 Friggle and Patty pulled in one fish after another.  It was Sun_rise_boat  going to be party time on the pier tonight!  It was starting to get late and the sun was setting over the water.  It made such a pretty picture with a sail boat off in the distance.  Patty and Friggle packed up there fishing gear and headed back to the pier and all the waiting friends they now had.  It seemed they had more friends everyday lately!  That was ok with them, they both thought that no one could have to many friends.

Pel_eat_fishPatty got her choice of the biggest fish and that was ok Frog_rocker  with all the pelicans.  After all, Patty and Friggle had fished all day so it was only fair.  Friggle settled into his favorite rocking chair and thought how good his life was.  He could see the day light was fading and it was time for him to say goodnight to Patty and head back to the pond.

Frog_l_pad_2  Friggle found Crocker doing what he does best Frog_c_flies  each night, croaking.  In another corner of the pond was Ted or Fred, who knew which, catching a late evening snack of flies.  All seemed right with the world, so Friggle was a happy frog.  He hoped for a sunny day tomorrow because Patty and he had set up another tennis match.  It was going to be a good day, Friggle just knew it would!




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