October 8, 2007



In a little town named Smallville was a group of dogs without any homes to call their own.  Many of them had lived off the street and hand outs from the people in town for years.  Deep down in each of their hearts every one of them would love to have a place to call home and a person of their very own to love.

Basset_chair_2Homer and Jed two basset hounds sat in the alley behind the Granny_poker_2 bakery everyday and played poker all day.  At least after they made it into the chairs.  They were good poker players because they had been taught by the very best, Granny Bertha.  Granny was known for miles around as the best poker player and could beat almost anyone willing to play a game with her. 

Pet_store_3  Most of the pets in town Poodle_wag were lucky and had been bought at the local pet store.  Like Princess Lily.  She is a beautiful poodle who belongs to the Roberts family.  When Lily grew up and had her first hair cut and trim, little Cathy Roberts added Princess to her name because she looked so pretty. Lily is a beautiful fluffy silver gray color and catches everyones eye.

Man_3_kids_2 The Roberts are a great family and love Lily very much.  She loves them Poodle_walk_2  just as much too.  Anything Princess Lily wants, she get.  One thing was for sure when Princess Lily went strutting down the street she turned heads wherever she went.  People noticed her, plus every male dog in town, even the pound puppy gang!  Lily made more than a few guys google eyed!

Dog_heart_eyes Yep, Princess Lily could definitely light up some eyes as she went Blood_smell by!  The main thing the pound puppy gang had to do was to find food.  Until they got a person who loved them, they had to take care of themselves. Lucky for them one of their best friends was Dozer the blood hound.  Everyone called him Dozer because his nose was always to the ground sniffing just like a bull dozer.

Blood_track When Dozer got on the trail you could bet he'd find Blood_dream  what he was looking for.  Sometimes it was a lost person but most of the time it was food.  The entire pound puppy gang counted a lot on Dozer for food.  Sometimes he was just a little slow to get going.  Laying around sleeping and dreaming of chasing rabbits was one of Dozer's favorite things to do.

Blood_scratch In his dreams, Dozer always caught the rabbit.  Why would   Blood_walk  anyone want to wake from a good dream like that?  Once he was up, scratched a little and got started, Dozer could find most anything.  Dozer had a friend named Herman, another gang member.  Herman was just crazy about chocolate covered donuts, so Dozer set out to find him one.

Baker Sure enough Dozer walked into the bakery and there Dog_donnut was Sue Ellen a friend of Dozer's.  She always shared food with him on her back porch at home.  Sue Ellen gave Dozer two big donuts, one for himself and another for Herman.  Boy, Herman was impressed he showed that donut to everyone he saw, until he just couldn't wait anymore and gobbled it all up.

Doberman_2 Besides Lily there were many in town who were Doberman_at_gate  fortunate to have families who loved them.  Duke and Missy, a pair of Dobermans, were two of those lucky ones.  They lived and guarded the largest mansion in town.  It belonged to Mr.Gibson a successful banker in town.

Dobermans_trespass When Duke and Missy were on duty you can bet no one Bull_bone  dared to enter the grounds of the Gibson mansion unless they were invited!  Another Smallville resident, was what you would call a fella with a face only a mother could love!  His name was Trooper, a bull dog that belonged to Martha and Stanley Bennet.  Trooper had the look of a mean little fellow but a heart as big as gold!

Lady_rack As Martha raked fall leaves one day she thought about the weather Couple_new_dog_house  getting cooler.  She knew Trooper always wanted to be outside but she wanted him to be warm.  That night she discussed it with Stanley and they agreed to go get a dog house at the home improvement store that weekend.  Trooper saw them coming down the street with his new house and it was so cute, he was the proudest dog in the whole town of Smallville.

Trooper_paper Trooper ran out and got the morning newspaper off the Trooper_shoes  drive for Stanley.  He had been trying for about 6 months, to teach Trooper to fetch the paper.  Trooper understood all along but didn't want Stanley to know it.  Now he felt he owed him something for the beautiful house.  Trooper even promised never to chew up Martha and Stanley's shoes again.

Trooper_bowl One thing that wasn't going to change though was that Trooper Trooper_food  never expected his food bowl to be empty.  Martha and Stanley just smiled filled his bowl and all was right and wonderful with Trooper's world again.  Trooper knew he was one of the lucky ones!  Martha had recently gotten an idea how to help the other stray dogs in Smallville known as the pound puppy gang.

Arrest_manSuddenly, the Sheriff pulled an under cover raid on the Basset_hound  back alley where all the gambling had gone on for years.  Sheriff Donaldson made a great catch.  He took in Billy Joe Watkins the Drug Store owner and Homer the basset hound.  That friendly waging tail got him no place with Sheriff Donaldson.  He snagged Pudgly too, Granny Bertha's Pug.  Again, he was cute but the law is the law!

Pug_on_back  Down Pudgly went to the dog pound for his mug Pug_mug  shot.  There are a lot of cute mug shots at the pound but Pudgly's had to take the prize.  He was such a sweet little thing. He kept looking around waiting for Granny Bertha to come and get him.  He, of course, wouldn't have to wait long before she would be there!

Granny_mug_shot  Granny Bertha took a cute mug shot too.  She was even   Granny_in_jail cuter waiting in the holding cell for her son, the town doctor, to come and bail her out.  See, this was kind of an annual tradition for Sheriff Donaldson.  There was never any big crime in Smallville, so about once a year to show the folks in town he was important he ran his gambling raid on Granny's alley.  Actually, most of the town folks snickered about it behind the sheriff's back and thought it was pretty funny.

Roller_coaster The Smallville county fair was in town that week and Martha put Carosel  her plan in place to save the pound puppy gang.  She had a whole dog show planned to raise money for all the homeless dogs.  Hopefully she could get most of them adopted during the fair to good homes.  The dog show turned out to be one of the best attractions at the fair.

Clown_dog_ball Clown_dog_cup Clown_dog_surprise Clown_dog_jump_jack

Clown_dog_on_jack One little clown dog got fed up with the jack-in-the-box and Clown_dog_hat found his own way to take care of that problem.  While the other dogs were doing their tricks for the crowd, another went around and collected money in a hat.  When the fair was over they had adopted out many pets and collected enough money to start a small Pet Rescue Company.  Martha was so happy and proud she watched as all the people went off with their new babies and felt so good.

Granny_skateboardOh, by the way after Granny Bertha did her fancy skateboard Bassett_basetball_2   tricks, she watched Jed do his basketball trick.  Granny then walked over to the pet adoption table and adopted Homer and Jed.  The way Granny figured it, after all the years of playing poker and now being arrested together they were her family.  Even Pudgly was happy to have a couple of brothers around.  The other bigger dogs would probably leave him alone now with two big brothers!

Pet_rescueMartha saw all the cute little puppies being cuddled and Puppies_sale  hugged by the little children and knew she was looking at a lot of new best friends.  A teenage neighbor friend of Martha's, named Ted, had adopted a pretty boxer he named Champ.  She watched as he was teaching Champ to sit and then off they went on a run together.

Boy_train_boxer  There was a boy and a dog who would never be lonely     Boxer_boy_run_2      again. Martha knew that she would never look out her kitchen window again and see Ted taking his morning run alone.  On the way home, Ted got a new dog door to put in his home door.  When he put it in, it was really fun watching Champ getting use to using it.

Boxer_look_out_doorChamp definitely had the peeking out the door down, now Ted Boxer_in_door had to get him to realize he could go all the way out and back in.  Well it looks like he's got it.  This years Smallville Fair turned out to be the best the town had ever had.  Many people, children and lots of animals were from that day forward, happier than they had ever been!



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