Deep in the forest lived a happy bear named Bungie. He had a wonderful life living in a warm mountain area with everything a bear could want. There was a terrific stream full of fish for dinner. Bungie even had lots of company. His bear friends were everywhere all over the woods. Ranger Davis was the policeman of the mountain and tried very hard to make sure everyone did all the right things. Sometimes that was a hard job.
Harley was Bungie's best friend and seemed to have problems
staying out of trouble. Harley wasn't a bad bear, he was just always hungry. You could find him in a campers tent hunting for food or sitting with a pot full of honey. It seemed Harley was always up to mischief. Bungie looked up to Harley, he kind of thought Harley was a cool guy.
Bungie couldn't get away with much of
anything! Ranger Davis just suddenly would show up on his ATV and chase after Bungie. Deep down inside Ranger Davis liked Bungie a lot. Sometimes Bungie turned the tables on Ranger Davis and chased him for awhile. Bungie doesn't get away with many of his pranks because Ranger Davis always catches him. He just gives Bungie a good talking to and lets him go. Ranger Davis is really a nice man who just wants Bungie to grow up to be a good bear.
Meanwhile Harley is having lunch at a campers
tent. The camper doesn't know he has a guest but will be very surprised when he gets back from fishing. Harley is a very smart bear. He waits for Bungie to attract Ranger Davis's attention then goes hunting for something to get into. Harley is a large black bear so he needs a lot of food.
Harley has a lot of competition for food in the forest. There are
other animals and even insects everywhere just looking for food. Iggie is a little ant with a big appetite too, so he is always working out to stay in shape to carry home great food when he finds it. Iggie and Harley try to see who will make it first to the unwatched picnic baskets.
Iggie never let's a day go by without doing his workouts. Iggie does
one arm push ups and runs on his ant size tread mill. It's a hard life out in the forest finding food and Iggie stays in good shape to be at his best. After all, bears like Harley and Bungie are much bigger than him so he has to be as strong as he can and very smart!
Harley is out having fun on his favorite log over a
stream. Bungie is taking the day to clean his cave. Bungie uses this cave when the weather is a little cooler because it doesn't have grass and green plants that die in the cold weather and make a harder bed to sleep on. In the summer he has a pretty moss covered cave that is cool and soft inside.
As Bungie got up this beautiful morning he was suddenly
upset! Down the road he saw a camper coming that he recognized, it was Fred Wilson. Even though this was a no hunting area, Fred never payed any attention to the law and continued to hunt. When Bungie walked up to Fred's camper, Fred grabbed his camera and got a picture of Bungie. Then he realized how mad Bungie was. Bungie took off after Fred and chased him right up a tree!
Fred just never seemed to learn his lesson, he just kept
coming back for more. Finally Bungie just left Fred up the tree and went to see what Harley was up to. Along the way he passed Iggie carrying home a great looking sandwich. That had to mean Harley was near by. There he was with another great looking picnic basket. Harley shared some with Bungie, then they went looking for some honey for desert.
Harley was a pro at getting honey without getting stung by
the bees. He was trying to show Bungie how it was done but Bungie would still get a sting once in awhile. Off they went to find a bee hive. They knew just where some really good ones were. Harley had been hunting honey for many years and Bungie was learning a lot from him.
Bungie looked up and there was the prettiest hive he thought he
had ever seen! Harley was after it right away then they both stopped. Harley and Bungie heard something coming and looked down the hill. Oh, no! It was Harry Wilson! He was even a worse person than Fred. Bungie made up his mind right then and there this would be Harry's last visit to his mountain to hunt!
When Harry got out of his jeep, Harley jumped on it and
started jumping up and down. Harley was one big bear, if Harry made it back down the mountain this time, he was probably going to have to walk. While Harley took care of Harry's Jeep, Bungie chased after him. He wasn't going to get away and hurt any animals this time.
Bungie finally had him. He took his rifle away and just shook his
head at Harry. Bungie was trying to figure out what to do with Harry when along came Ranger Davis. He told Bungie he had to put him down. That didn't make Bungie very happy, after all Harry had hurt a lot of his friends. Finally Ranger Davis explained to Bungie that he was going to arrest Harry and put him in jail. Bungie decided that was fair and let go of his leg. Harry fell on his head. He was ok but was definitely going to have a headache for awhile.
Bungie thought since they had gotten rid of Harry
they might as well scare Fred away too. He went back and pushed and shoved on his camper until Fred finally gave in and down the mountain he went. Bungie and Harley didn't think he would be coming back anytime soon. They wanted their mountain to be safe for them and all their friends. Next day Bungie had a little trouble learning how to get to the honey without the bees getting him.
Harley tried to show him one more time how to eat the honey
very carefully so the bees didn't get upset. He knew Bungie would get it soon. Harley and Bungie sat and watched a bee getting nectar to make honey from a pretty flower. It was going to be a lot more pleasant on their mountain for a long time to come.
Ranger Davis and Bungie would do a little jogging together
once in awhile. It always seemed Mr. Davis got the most exercise! Bungie would dress up like a hunter and with his toy gun play sheriff and try to keep all his friends safe. It was working too. No one on the mountain had seen Fred or Harry again and no one missed them.
The mountain was a beautiful place again. Ranger
Davis brought young boys to camp out and swim in the lake. It was a time they would never forget. Even big men came again, just with no guns and kept a special eye out for Harley. Everyone loved the mountain again. It was a beautiful place and Harley and Bungie intended to keep it that way forever!
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