As the ocean water lapped on the beach, off at a distance two pirate ships could be seen sailing toward shore. One ship was owned by Captain Jack, not the most honest person at sea. The other by pirate Princess Miranda, the owner of a chest of gold that had been stolen from the island of Alura where she lived. Miranda was out to try and find her chest of gold but a lot of other pirates and people had heard about it too. Many were trying to find it for themselves. When a lot of money is involved, it can bring out the bad side of some people.
We've met our friend Tommy Cat and his buddy Pudgly
before. Tommy Cat was so surprised to hear about the chest of gold that he had to tell Pudgly right away! If you remember Tommy Cat, he is always in the middle of everything going on. Needless to say he couldn't wait to try and help find the gold. Tommy Cat was a good fellow though, he only wanted to give it back to Princess Miranda. He didn't want it for himself!
Tommy Cat started practicing his martial arts and went out
looking for a new pirate outfit. He thought if he was going to deal with pirates, he should look like one. Pudgly kind of grinned when he saw Tommy Cat and thought to himself that Tommy may have over done it a little bit. The patch on the eye and hook for a hand was probably a little much. He would never tell Tommy Cat though, because he would never hurt his friends feelings.
Princess Miranda was a beautiful lady. Her family had ruled the island of
Alura for many years and had to get back the gold to help all the people who lived on the Island. With the gold they bought food and clothing for all the people of Alura. Princess Miranda had a handsome pirate boy friend named Dante. He had come along to help Miranda with all the wicked people who wanted the gold for themselves.
Besides Captain Jack and his parrot Harley, there was the meanest
villain of all in the town were Tommy Cat lived. His name was Montague, a truly mean and sneaky man. He was always listening for any news or gossip. When he heard about the missing chest of gold he knew he had to have it. He ran back to his house to get on his computer and see if anyone knew where the gold was.
Montague knew a lot of other bad people, so he got
on his computer and e-mailed them to see if anyone knew the location of the chest. It was no surprise that he heard from Pirate Jim another not very nice person. He sent a map to Montague showing where he had heard the chest was located. The two said they would both look for it and share the gold if either of them found it.
Princess Miranda's best friend was her talking parrot,
Huey. He went with Miranda wherever she went. Miranda's father had given her Huey when she was just a little girl. Miranda had taught him to talk as well as any human. He and Miranda loved each other very much. Huey always tried to look out for her safety. Huey could even sword fight with the very best!
Huey had heard that Captain Jack had the gold on his ship.
Huey told Miranda he would fly out to spy on Captain Jack's ship and see if he could spot the chest. Miranda told Huey to be very careful. If something happened to her Huey it would break her heart! He promised he would and off he flew.
When Huey flew over, he could see Captain Jack at the wheel. He
flew all around the boat then all of a sudden there it was, the Island of Alura's chest of gold! Huey could hardly wait to get back to shore to tell Miranda. As he passed over the shore he saw pirate Jim sneaking around with a CD he was holding tightly. Huey had no way to know it had the location of the gold chest on it.
As pirate Jim took his CD back to his home to hide it, his
friend Montague was trying to bomb Captain Jacks ship. He had set up a rocket bomb and was pushing the button as Huey flew over. When the bomb went off, Captain Jack thought it was Princess Miranda's ship firing their cannons on him so he turned his ship to aim back at them.
The cannons shot out of Captain Jack's ship and Miranda
ordered her gunners to fire back. Luckily for both ships, the cannons were not very accurate, so they all missed each other. Thank goodness it was almost night time and the firing of cannons had to stop because they could not begin to aim correctly at each other in the dark.
The town lighthouse was lighting the shore line enough
for Dante to swim out to Captain Jack's ship. He grabbed hold of a rope hanging over the edge of the ship and pulled himself up. In the dark, no one saw him as he slipped over the rail and onto the ship. Dante quietly looked around the ship that night and finally found the chest of gold.
He waited for day break and then slipped back off the ships
gang plank and swam back to shore. Once he got back to shore he got out his telescope and looked out to Captain Jack's ship. All looked quite, he didn't think anyone was even aware he had been there. One thing was for sure, he was going to have to get help and go back to get Alura's gold!
Meanwhile, Montague was trying some different
types of bombs but wasn't having any luck, nothing was happening. He must be doing something wrong. You see Montague was a real bad villain but no one had ever said he was very smart. He was lucky because if his bombs had blown up, he was the only one who would have been hurt!
Dante got everyone together who wanted to help Princess Miranda get
her Island's gold back. They got on a small boat that would be hard to see from the huge ship Captain Jack was on and rowed out to his ship. With him was Tommy Cat and Huey, as well as a large number of the town people who wanted to help.
They had to fight a lot of Captains Jack's mates.
Even Pudgly the mighty dog flew in to help. When the fight was over. The chest of gold was back on the boat with Dante and the whole crew headed for shore. When they all got back some wanted their picture taken with the chest of gold.
Tommy Cat of course wanted a picture to take home to his
mom. He was proud he had been able to help save the gold for the people of Alura. Princess Miranda thanked everyone who helped to save her Island and it's people. She promised to never forget any of them. Miranda said she would always know they were her friends and invited them all to visit Alura.
A few people like Montague were not happy. He had
wanted all the gold for himself. Someone finally called the police and told them about his bombing attempts. They took him to jail and put him in a line up. He is such a bad guy he kept pointing to the little old lady next to him acting like she was the guilty one. What an awful guy he is. It didn't work, so they threw him in jail and he was likely to stay there for a long time!
As Miranda and Dante sailed off with the chest of
gold they had one extra guest. While in Tommy Cat's town, Huey had met a lady parrot and fallen in love. Her name was Susie and she was ready to spend the rest of her life with Huey. Looks like there would be two weddings soon on the Island. Probably on the same day.
Pudgly had gone home and now Tommy Cat was back at his house
looking for his mom to let him in. He couldn't wait to tell her all about his big adventure. There she was and boy was she glad to see him. She loved Tommy Cat a bunch! She worried a lot about him because she didn't always know what he was up to. After all, with the adventures of Tommy Cat, the next time we see him he might come flying in on a different kind of ship, like one from Outer Space!! You never know about Tommy Cat!
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