July 19, 2007



Everything in outer space is a long way off.  Compared to a lot of stars and other planets Mars the red planet, is in our galaxy and not very far away.  It has always been thought by most scientists that there may be some form of life on Mars. Water with bacteria and maybe little squiggle things in it.  Other people think there are creatures almost like us that may live on Mars called Martians.

AstronautSomeday, if our astronauts make it to Mars they may Mar_look_rover find a lot of different creatures there.  As you know they have already been to the moon.  Plus we have had a little computer rover on Mars.  It has always been said, kind of like a joke, that there are little green people on Mars.  Wouldn't that be fun.  Can you imagine what they must have thought about our little rover?

Alien_shake_w_rover Just look at this little green Martian shaking hands with Mar_hitchicker  the little rover.  It is my guess that if we do find life on other planets that we will all be friends.  Hopefully we will have worked out all our differences here on earth and be able to make friends with new and different creatures right away.  The green people on Mars are known as Veebs.  This one is hitchhiking since it looks like his saucer is in pretty bad condition.

Family On Earth we have many different nationalities of people.  Our typical Black_girl  American family.  African Americans like this cute little girl with her bunny rabbit and the teacher below showing geography on a world globe.  We have Asians, Canadians, Arabs, Middle Eastern, Egyptians, African Natives, Hawaiians, plus many more. 

African_teacher_3Asian_girl_5 Canadian_man_7 Arab_man_3 Egypt_man_2  English_man_3 African_native      Hawii_lady_2

Indian_chief By far the most important people to America are the American Indian_princess Indians.  They were the very first people to live on our land.  Like the proud Chief Morning Star that we met a few stories ago, along with his beautiful daughter Princess Sequoia.  Most Indian people helped the pilgrims when they arrived in America and saved many of their lives. They helped teach them to grow corn and how to hunt and find food.  Without them many of the new people would have died.

Man_give_direction This little Veeb was lost, so a nice man is giving him directions on Dopple_walk how to get where he needs to go.  Meet a Dopple, they are another group of creatures that may live on the planet Mars.  Dopples are a nice peaceful group.  They are nice and helpful to everyone.  Besides green Veebs there are many other green creatures from Mars.  One, the Americans really liked when they landed, 

Arm_walk were the little green guys with four arms.  People gave them the Arms_balls nickname of Dobee's because they could DO so much with all their extra arms.  The Americans, of course loved that, Dobee's could play all kinds of sports very well.  They became favorite new members of the community.  Every time they played a ball game lots of people, Veebs and Dopples all come to see the games.

Dopple_bunch_l There is always a big crowdBlue_wuzzle because the games were sure to be good.  Then there are the Wuzzles, a little fur ball like creature.  The Wuzzles were big ball fans and got their tennis shoes on and never missed a game.  Between all the Dopples, people, Wuzzles and Veeps every game was a sell out!  Having a Dobee in the out field of a baseball game was a sure catch.  One or two on a basketball team was almost as much fun as watching the "Globe Trotters!"

Purp_toes_3 Then there are sweet little guys and gals named Twittles.  As you can   Arms_surf see, they are all toes and all they do most of the time is twittle them!  Every time a Twittle comes across a Dobee, they are always very impressed.  Twittles don't have any arms and they just love to watch Dobees, like this fellow on the surf board.  To a Twittle, it seems almost impossible, all the things Dobees can do.

Arms_knumb When Pinkie the Twittle saw this Dobee with the nunchucks, she was Purp_surprise  really surprised!  Her eyes almost popped right out of her head!  Pinkie sure wished she could do that!  One thing that usually happens, when we are lacking in one thing some other part of our body takes over.  Pinkie didn't know it but she could do almost as much with her toes as Dobee could do with his hands and arms.  It's like people who are blind, they can usually hear somethings others can't.

Crash_smokeOOPS!  Looks like we have a new visitor and he seems to  Green_look have made it safely.  His plane doesn't look very good.  When he heads home, he will have to catch a ride with a friend.  Right now he's looking around wondering where he is.  One of the Dopples that saw him land thinks he is a neighbor from Mars also.

Dopple_yes He says yep, they are Zewees.  Another Dopple says "nope they aren't Dopple_no_2  from Mars."  Well, where ever he's from, he's here now and off he goes to find out exactly where he has landed.  Meanwhile the Dopples are still arguing over which is right.  Mr. Zewee is headed toward the nearest creatures he sees to ask what planet he's on.

Pair_dopplesHe finds a Dopple couple who tell him he has landed on Earth.  Mr. Green_walk_2  Zewee hasn't heard of it but says it looks OK to him.  He thinks he'll head to the nearest spaceport to find another saucer that might get him home again.  Along the way he passes several people that all seem very nice.  There is a fellow someone called an old hippie. ( Whatever that was!)

Peace_monsterZewee had to admit, he was a strange looking dude but very nice. As    Green_wave Zewee passed by he said, " hey brother, have a nice day."  Zewee waved and said, " same to you."  Zewee could tell he was getting close to the spaceport because there were saucers coming and going all the time.  Here came one right down the highway!

Saucer_highway For a minute Zewee thought it was going to land right there on the Alien_in_plane  highway.  Then he saw one coming in so close, he could see the pilot inside.  One thing was becoming very obvious, there must be as many different creatures on other planets as there are on earth.  When we all get together it should be a lot of fun and very interesting.  Just imagine what we could learn from all these new friends!

Twittle_loveLook what we have here, Twittle love!  Pinkies best friend was much Yellow_drink  more interested in a wonderful chocolate shake she had tried for the first time.  When we finally make it to Mars, I hope we have as many new things to try as our new visitors.  Well, guess what happened when the Twittles fell in love?  Your right!  A baby Twittle! 

Mom_baby_twittleMommy and daddy nicknamed him Twit.  He was always begging Twittle_book mama Twittle to read him a book.  He loved stories.  Being the spoiled little Twit that he was, mama always read to him.  She really didn't mind because she knew with every page they read little Twit was learning something new.

Wuzzle_pink Red_yell_wuzzle A couple of Wuzzles were very excited because Spin_saucer  they saw another saucer with new visitors coming in for a landing!  It seemed new visitors were coming everyday.  Pretty soon we are going to have all kinds of aliens.  They will probably start to do all the same things we do.  Some good and some...well not so good.

Alien_fat  Like getting a beer and hot dog belly from to many baseball games Aiien_golf  watching those Dobees pitch!  Or maybe some will become golfers  and join the country club.  Whatever happens with all the new creatures we may one day meet, you can be sure of one thing.  We will all learn a lot from each other.  As a great singer with the Beatles, Mr. John Lennon use to say in a song he wrote, "and the world will live as one."




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