July 12, 2007



It was a pretty normal day at the supermarket.  All the typical work was being done. The weather outside was nice and sunny which made business pretty good.  The cashiers were very busy checking out the customers.  It really never occurred to anyone that today would turn out very different than most days at the store.  Some big surprises were in store for everyone!

Boy_stockJimmy the stock boy was putting new boxes of Boy_fruit cereal on the shelves and Tim was putting out fresh green apples in the fruit and vegetable department.  Mrs. Davis was strolling down the isles, filling up her cart.  Of course the Turner children were playing race car with a cart.  Everything was about the same as always.

Lady_cart  Mrs. Davis was one of those people who loved to shop.  She Kids_in_cart  always took her time and didn't miss a thing.  Of course, that meant she usually went home with much more than she needed.  As she strolled the bread isle, the Turner kids speed by.  They were having lots of fun!  Suddenly the

Turk_cart  store doors opened and in walk Grandpa Gobble.  Now Cart even the Turner kids stopped in their tracks.  Grandpa didn't seem to notice that people were staring at him.  He just went on about his shopping as if nothing was strange about it at all.  It didn't take Grandpa long to fill his cart to the top. 

Boy_bagThe bag boy was very wide eyed when he handed Turk_shop_bag Grandpa Gobble his bags.  Grandpa was getting use to the stares.  He had been out shopping at the mall that morning and got a lot of attention there also!  All the people at the mall sure had something to talk about that night when they got home!  One lady was shocked to see that Grandpa had as many bags as she did.  She was known as a champion shopper at the mall.

Lady_bags Looked like Grandpa Gobble was giving her some stiff Turk_party_hat competition today!  When Grandpa got home his grandson Lurky Turk was waiting with a party hat and clapping his hands.  You see it wasn't anywhere near Thanksgiving as you may have thought.  Oh no, it was early spring. The Gobble families favorite time of year.  It meant they could eat and eat and never worry about getting fat.

3_turk_eat_l_2 This was known as PIG OUTTurk_b_look  season for turkey's everywhere!  Most turkey's didn't mind becoming Thanksgiving dinner but the Gobble family didn't feel that way.  They had one problem with it.  They loved football and each year they did everything they could to stay far away from anyone's Thanksgiving table.  Little brother Louie especially liked to eat.

Turk_b_footballThe Gobble family played football all year long.  They Turk_football_2 sure didn't want to miss the big games in the fall on TV!  Right now it was gobble down time.  So Lurky Turk grabbed his knife and fork and was ready for chow time.  Besides football season this was the best time of year for him.  Corn is a favorite food for turkeys.  You could often find Lurky Turk out in the near by corn field having lunch. 

Turk_fork  He would eat lots of corn cobs and have a great   Turk_hide_corn afternoon.   He never forgot his family though, he always brought home some corn for Grandpa and his little brother Louie too.  Those were the days Grandpa Gobble thought Lurky Turk was the finest young turkey he had ever known.  As long as Grandpa kept bragging on him, Lurky Turk just kept bringing home that corn. 

Turk_gran_eat There was nothing stupid about Grandpa Gobble!  He had   Turk_lay_down lived a long time and was one smart turkey.  When you watched Grandpa eat, you kinda got an idea where he got the name Gobble.  Most people thought it was because turkey's gobble when they talk.  That wasn't the reason Grandpa had that name!  Grandpa was a champion eater, that's where the name came from!

Turk_walk After a great supper with Grandpa, Lurky decided to go Music_store  down to the music store where his cousin Jive Turk worked.  Before he even got there he could tell Jive Turk was working that day because you could hear the music all the way down the street.  Jive Turk was Lurky's favorite cousin. He was a real cool guy.  He loved working in the music store and was a very good dancer.

Jive_dance A visit to the music store was always lots of fun.  Turk_h_dance_7    Doing a little dancing with Cus Jive was great.  Lurky Turk knew all the people who worked there with Jive and he liked them all.  Lurky thought they were all lots of fun to be around.  It was starting to get late so Lurky Turk said goodbye to his cousin Jive and headed off toward home.  He thought he'd have a little snack on a very large bowl of corn before bedtime.

Jive_brother  Jive Turk said take it easy Bro and off Lurky went thinking of Turk_eat the big bowl of corn he planned to have.  Lurky Turk knew it was getting to be late summer and the eating was about to change.  You see the Gobble family went on a strict diet in the fall.  Just the day before Grandpa Gobble had seen a horrible thing on a neighbors table.  A big plate of cranberry sauce.

Turk_cranberry_2 Horror of all horrors.  The only thing that goes    Eat_pork really well with cranberry sauce is TURKEY!  Grandpa sent Lurky Turk out the very next day to campaign for people to eat more pork!  The diet would begin now.  All the Gobble family cut back on the food they ate and started a strict exercise program.  Grandpa Gobble and Lurky started their fall running program.

Turk_gran_run They each ran 5 miles everyday and little brother Louie still had some Turk_d_run  baby fat on him so he did an extra mile.  The family safety program was started again.  Lurky Turk had a pop gun that wouldn't hurt anyone but might scare a few people away.  He'd put on his special pilgrim hat and go out and do some target shooting.

Turk_gun Being the oldest son, he felt like it was up to him to keep the family Turk_gun_look safe.  One thing Lurky had learned is the older you get the more you learn.  He had a lot of respect for Grandpa Gobble who knew a lot more thank Lurky and he was quite a bit smarter than his little brother Louie.  One day he found Louie looking for a place to hide from Thanksgiving turkey hunters and guess where he found him.

Turk_hide_in_oven You wont believe it, in an oven, certainly not the Turk_gran_hatchet_2  place for a turkey to hide.  Meanwhile Grandpa Gobble was still working out, building his muscles chopping wood with his hatchet.  By the time the football games were on TV the whole Gobble family would be so thin and in good shape they would all be there to watch.  Nobody wanted a skinny turkey on their Thanksgiving table.

Turk_g_on_scaleGrandpa checked his weight every day.  He was doing great, no one Turk_b_blink  would want him for dinner.  Grandpa was a little worried about Louie.  He was still pretty round and plump.  One day there were some people who walked up and were looking pretty interested in Louie.  He was standing there just looking at the people and Grandpa was afraid they were going to take him home.

Couple_walk They looked like a nice couple and Grandpa Gobble never would Turk_g_hatchet  have hurt them but he did think he better scare them away.  He grabbed his hatchet and headed toward them.  The couple did not stick around, they took off in the other direction very fast!  Now that was a very smart couple!

Football_players The football games had began and Grandpa  Turk_w_football   Gobble had managed to keep his whole family together.  Even little Louie would be there to watch the games.  As a reward to Lurky Turk who helped him keep the family safe, Grandpa gave him flying lessons.  Domestic ( that just means they are not wild ) turkey's can't fly and it's something Lurky Turk had always dreamed of doing.  Next time you see a small plane fly over, look up, it may be Lurky Turk!




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